ESS guidelines on temporal disaggregation by Dario Buono dario ESS guidelines on temporal disaggregation by Dario Buono (Eurostat, Unit B1 Methodology) DIME/ ITDG Plenary Luxembourg, 22/23 February 2018 Item 11
ESS Guidelines on TD Why? What for? How? Methodology harmonization: the definition of best practices What for? Deriving consistent high (Q/M) frequency data from low frequency (A/Q) data How? Estimation methods with quality measures
ESS Guidelines on TD Who? When? Where? All infra-annual data producers Regular production and revision analysis Where? Stand-alone and remote solution
Framework The ESS Guidelines on TD present both theoretical aspects and practical implementation issues in a user-friendly way Methods Specific domains Revisions Quality and documentation. CoP requirements are satisfied principle 7 (Sound Methodology) principles 14 (Coherence and Comparability) 15 (Accessibility and Clarity)
Approach Common Guidelines for Temporal Disaggregation within the ESS as essential step for a better harmonization and comparability of infra-annual statistics Each stage of Benchmarking and Reconciliation process is explained and options described. Out of these options three alternative courses of action are highlighted: (A) Best alternative (B) Acceptable (C) To be avoided
Guidelines structure 1. Introduction (includes motivation, definitions, and general policy) 2. Preliminary analysis 3. Temporal Disaggregation 4. Benchmarking 5. Reconciliation and Multivariate Benchmarking 6. Specific Issues 7. Presentation
Roadmap 2017 March, SA Expert Group, some NSIs & NCBs 2017 April, WG Methodology Discussion (all MS) 2017 May, WG National Accounts (all MS) 2017 May-December, dedicated Task Force with MS 2017 DIME/ITDG SG consultation 2018 February, DIME/ITDG opinion 2018 May, WG Methodology 2018 ESSC endorsement
Current Member of the TF on Temporal Disaggregation 5 VC Meetings held Eurostat: Dario Buono (Methodology), Riccardo Gatto (Labour Market), Enrico Infante (National Accounts) AT: Markus Fröhlich (Methodology) BE: Jean Palate (National Accounts), CZ: Karel Safr (National Accounts) DE: Erich Oltmanns (Methodology) DK: Peter Stoltze (Methodology) IT: Barbara Gualdabascio (Methodology), Filippo Moauro (National Accounts) NL: Rainer Bikker (Methodology) UK: Duncan Elliott (Methodology)
Work in progress Latest version is available at:
…open points to kick-off the discussion Any suggestion for the overall structure? Should we include higher frequency data (e.g. weekly or daily)? Shall we quote the tools to be used? Which Groups shall be consulted before the ESSC?