Authorized to: Perform mortgage loans, personal and pledge loans, lease and factoring. Not authorized to: Attract people who want to save
PROSEFI BUSINESS BECAUSE MONEY DRIVES THE WORLD The support of a financial institution founded in 2007 and of your personal contacts to insure your future. Infrastructure for your career as a financial entrepreneur. (Personal franchises) A system that allows you to make a great business with very little investment.
Solid network marketing for 5 years. No employees. No operating costs or inventories. Capitalization expedited. Car in 8 months, house in a year and a half. PROSEFI BUSINESS BECAUSE MONEY DRIVES THE WORLD
PRODUCTS WE HANDLE PERSONAL FRANCHISE PROSEFI Authorization to recommend credit through Prosefi, virtual office while you are active and up to 5 years, access to online training and some live seminars, review and storage of records, credit research, advice and access to downloadable manuals and support tools on our website, membership BX. Portfolio manager. Automated reports system to the CNBV. Team of internal and external auditors. Team of accountants and professional executives. Monitoring of the CNBV.
Cost of your franchise: $500 USD. In 5 bi-weekly payments of $100 USD each, which support your new credit history formation in Prosefi. And also work in other financial institutions (this payment is non-refundable).
Deferred credit of $10, USD (delivered in partial payments). No credit bureau check. We qualify you in credit bureau. This allows you to do a new credit history with PROSEFI (the important thing is your credit history with us). No real estate collateral needed. Promoting these two products will give you the opportunity to generate fantastic commissions that will allow you access to larger loans. Opening and maintaining good behavior with your new credit history is the most important thing in PROSEFI.
How to open a line of credit and your new credit history in PROSEFI You will receive the first $200 USD of credit when you get, in two consecutive fortnights, $60 USD of commission in PROSEFI. You will receive $200 USD more of credit when you get fees of $100 USD in two consecutive fortnights.
How to receive the rest of your $10,000 USD credit. Earn $250 USD bi-weekly, in 2 consecutive fortnights from your commissions, you receive $500 USD more of your credit. Earn $400 USD bi-weekly, in 2 consecutive fortnights from your commissions, you receive $500 USD more of your credit (in addition to your commissions). If you earn $500 USD in commissions in 2 consecutive fortnights, you receive $1600 USD and from then on, every 2 weeks you get over $600 USD in commissions, you receive $1,000 USD more of your credit until you complete your total credit of $10,000 USD. COMMISSION INCOMES DO NOT INCLUDE BONUSES
BI-WEEKLY PAYMENTS ARE: The fee for late payment by the borrower is $35 USD. Credits of $3000 USD or more are valid for 5 years.
You receive the first $200 USD credit when you get 3 direct recommended persons, who have made at least their first partial payment of franchise and receive $200 USD more credit when you complete 5 direct recommended persons who have made at least their first partial payment of franchise. You will deduct $20 USD from your payments for the punctual payments made by each of your direct recommended persons (not applicable in the fortnight in which a person in your network receives their first credit of $200 USD or $400 USD). A quick way to open credit line and your new credit history in PROSEFI.
Or receive the first $400 USD credit to get 2 direct recommended persons, and each one gets 2 recommended persons and all have made at least their first partial payment of franchise. You will deduct $20 USD from your payments for the punctual payments made by each of your direct and indirect recommended persons (not applicable in the fortnight in which a person in your network receives their first credit of $200 USD or $400 USD). YOU ALREADY HAVE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, YOUR NEW HISTORY CREDIT, THE REST DEPENDS ON YOUR PERSEVERANCE. A quick way to open credit line and your new credit history in PROSEFI
How to receive the rest of your $10,000 USD credit. You will receive $1,000 USD more for your credit when we open a credit line to 5 of your direct recommended persons (receive the first $400 USD of credit) only if your payments have been on time (that means that your credit history in PROSEFI is good). You will receive $1,600 USD more of your credit when 5 of your direct recommended persons who have credit line and their 5 recommended persons make their second payment for their franchise (this indicates that your credit history in PROSEFI going well). You will receive $1,000 USD more of your credit bi-weekly, if your credit history in PROSEFI is good, until completing your total credit of $10,000 USD (and if the members of your 5x5 structure make their partial payments on time).
PROSEFI BUSINESS BECAUSE MONEY MOVES THE WORLD $20 USD commission per each timely payment of your direct recommended persons. (Sub Directors area) $20 USD commission per each timely payment of your second generation of recommended persons. (Managers) $5 USD commission per each timely payment of your third generation of recommended persons. (Sub Managers) $4 USD commission per each timely payment of your fourth generation of recommended persons. (Sales force) YOU CAN EARN UP TO 12 LEVELS DEEP
BUSSINESS IN EACH PAYMENT Bi-weekly commissions considering Sub-Managers and Sales Force $3,725 USD or $7,450 USD monthly, for five years.
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 2 Copies of the ID card, front and back, or copy of your passport (original is required to receive credit). 2 copies of proof of address in its name (accredited and partner in solidarity). 2 copies of the first proof of payment of franchise. Signature of promissory notes and loan contract to receive the first loan.
STEPS TO FOLLOW Fill credit investigation application and franchise. Deliver the documents requested. Along with this, make the first bi-weekly payment for franchise, non-refundable, of $100 USD. Fill out application as independent entrepreneur of products and financial services to make effective discounts to your payments for your recommended and commissions. Have 2 recommended persons per week (one at a time), helping them to get 2 recommended persons each one, per week and verify that everyone makes their payments of franchise, administrative expenses or credit on time, according to the chart. Sign credit contract together with collaterals to receive the money.
BUSINESS ACTION PLAN: Belong to the system. Get 2 people per week requiring credit or needing to earn money and you will serve them as collateral. Make payments on time and verify that my first and second levels do the same. All do the same thing. Meetings at least 3 times per week with my group for training system: Integration of records, duplication system, getting credits and commissionable. My days of payment are: Today and the next fortnight every month (for example: if my pre-registration was on day 4, my days of payment are 4 and 19 of each month). Insure your future capitalizing on others