TONE The attitude a writer takes toward the reader, a subject, or a character.
TONE Tone is conveyed through the writer’s choice of words and details.
TONE Tones can be *ironic *tender *angry *brave, etc…
TONE VS MOOD Tone is the writer’s attitude. Mood is how you the reader feel when reading a piece of literature.
DIDLS DIDLS is an acronym to help you remember those elements of tone that you should consider when evaluating prose or poetry.
DIDLS Diction, images, details, language, and sentence structure all help to create the author’s or speaker’s attitude toward the subject and audience (tone).
DIDLS DIDLS stands for Diction Images Details Language Sentence Structure
DICTION Diction is the connotation of words. (word choice)
CONNOTATION Connotation is all the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests.
CONNOTATION EX: An expensive restaurant might advertise its delicious “cuisine” rather than its delicious “cooking.” How does the connotation of the words differ?
IMAGES Imagery is vivid language that appeals to understanding through the use of the senses
IMAGES Sight Sound Smell Touch Taste
DETAILS Details can be facts that are included or omitted
LANGUAGE the overall use of language, such as formal, clinical, jargon
SENTENCE STRUCTURE How structure affects the reader’s attitude Are the sentences Simple sentences Compound sentences Complex sentences Compound-complex sentences