Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong Part 2
Knowing in principle that the Light of truth comes to all men and women wherever born, how does that happen in real life? DA 322 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
What is the simple basis for genuine, restful faith? DA 336 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
How did the episode at Gergesa with the two demoniacs illustrate again the real conflict between good and evil, between Christ and Satan? DA 338-341 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
How did the healing of the ill woman who touched Christ’s garment give Him an opportunity to Illustrate “living faith”? DA 347 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
In Christ’s instructions to his first evangelists, what do you think He meant when He appealed to them to be “harmless as doves”? DA 353 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
What happens to everyone who faces the fundamental choices involved in the great controversy? DA 384-394 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
Why is Peter’s confession that Jesus was the Messiah considered to be the foundational statement of the Christian church? DA 412, 413 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
the way that anyone comes How did Jesus spell out the way that anyone comes to know and accept the truth about God? DA 455 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
In healing the man blind from birth, how did Jesus take this opportunity to expose another of Satan’s lies? DA 471 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong
In the familiar parable of the good shepherd, how did Jesus portray the purpose of His coming to earth? DA 478-480 1/3/2019 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong