Homeroon WELCOME !
Things to address Schedules Lunches Bell Schedule Lockers Jordan Expectations How to be Prompt!
Schedules FULL schedules-you must follow the schedule you are given. IF you need a schedule change, you must fill out a change form, have it signed by a parent/guardian, and bring it back to advisee tomorrow. Schedule changes will only be allowed for the reasons listed on the back of the change form.
Schedule If you have a “hole” in your schedule, ie: missing 2nd period, you will report to the auditorium during THAT period and someone will assist you. If you have no schedule, you will report to the auditorium and someone will assist you.
Lunches are by 3rd period A Lunch – Soc Studies, Fresh. Ac., ESL/Riley/Dixon B Lunch – World Lang., Math, English/OCS C Lunch – Arts/EC, CTE, Science/PE/Health A
FIRST DAY SCHEDULE – A-DAY Period 2 7:30-9:15 Period 1 9:21 – 10:50 Lunch Times Period 3A 11:38 – 1:01 10:50 – 11:32 Period 3B 10:56 – 11:41 11:41 – 12:18 12:23 – 1:01 Period 3C 10:56 – 12:19 12:19 – 1:01 Period 4 1:07 – 2:30
LOCKERS Lockers Students can obtain a school locker for the 2011-12 from Mr. Neale before school (7:00-7:25am) in Guidance or during the school day by appointment . Lockers will be rented with an attached lock for one school year (2011-12) for $5.00, and students can request the building location of the locker. See Flyers around school.
Reminders At no time should there be cell phones, electronic devises (ipods/mp3’s, headphones, ear buds, etc), hats (other head gear) visible during the school hours of 7:30 -2:30. All food and drinks need to be consumed in the cafeteria.
DPS dress code Policy 4301 Please visit DPS website for a full list of prohibited items. The following specific items are not permitted: clothing worn in such a manner so as to reveal underwear, cleavage, or bare skin between the upper chest and mid-thigh; bare feet, bedroom slippers; spaghetti straps, strapless tops, halter tops; see-through, mesh garments; trousers, slacks, shorts worn below waist level; clothing that is excessively baggy or tight; skirts and shorts shorter than mid-thigh; sunglasses worn inside school building; hats, caps, hoods, sweat bands and bandannas or other head wear worn inside school building; and any other article of appearance that is physically revealing or provocative
Jordan Tardy Policy Students must be across the threshold at the time the bell rings to be considered on time for class. A teacher can define a more stringent definition of being tardy, but not less. 1st Tardy-Parent Communication 2nd Tardy-Parent Communication and Teacher assigned consequence. 3rd Tardy-Parent Communication and Teacher assigned consequence. 4th Tardy and Additional Tardies-Referral to Administration Random Hall Sweeps will be utilized throughout the year to make sure students are in class on time.
How to be Prompt Objective: Students at Jordan High School will explain why it is important to be prompt to school and classes. Point 1: Anyone with a job has the responsibility to report to work on time. Workers who don’t report to work have consequences, including, but not limited to losing their job. A student’s job is learning. As such, students are expected to report to school every day on time as well as reporting to each and every class daily on time.
Point 2: The school day at Jordan High School begins at 7:30 am and ends at 2:30 pm. Although some students report to school earlier than 7:30 am, the time after which you are counted tardy is 7:30 am. If the tardiness is caused by something that is out of your control, your tardy will be excused. However, if you are late and it is because of something you can control, you are not excused.
Examples of an EXCUSED tardy: Bus is late to school / car trouble Traffic accident on your route to school Morning doctor / dentist appointment Family emergencies Students must bring a written excuse for any and all absences including family emergencies, doctor appointments, etc, as soon as possible. Give written excuses to the attendance office.
Examples of an UNEXCUSED tardy: You woke up late/overslept Your alarm did not go off/forgot to set it You walked and left home late You were visiting with friends.
Point 3: If you are tardy to school in the morning, or any time you arrive to school late, even if it is close to lunchtime, you are required to first report to the attendance office to sign in and obtain a written pass from an adult in order to be admitted to class. Failing to do so will result in you being sent back to the attendance office, which is a further waste of time when you need to be in class to learn.
Point 4: Due to the fact that we have over 2000 students, it is important that you go through the hallways quickly. You will have 6 minutes to get to your next class. You must be in your classroom with your materials and be ready to learn to be considered on time for class. The time in between classes is not a time for hanging out, loitering in the hallways or at your locker, visiting with your friends, or lagging behind, then hurrying and running to get to your next class. It is not proper or fair to yourself, other students, or your teachers to come to class late. You have the responsibility to be on time. It is a lifelong habit that should be taken seriously. You have social time on the bus, at lunch and after school. In between classes is not a time for socialization. A total of 3 tardies will result in a detention.
Questions? HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!