Home of Critically Scholars and Champion Problem Solvers Monrovia High School Home of Critically Scholars and Champion Problem Solvers
Meet your Administrative Leaders! Madison Center- Mr. Iler Foothill Center- Ms. Limbrick Wellness Center- Mrs. Hirsch Instr. Services Center- Mr. Lujan
Wildcat Expectations Be Ready Be Responsible Be Respectful
Be Ready On time to school and class Use passing period and lunch wisely Phone away during class time, unless directed by teacher
Attendance Studies have shown that poor attendance is the NUMBER ONE reason for poor grades.
Expectation You are in class, on time, every day. Absences are cleared in two days. Excessive tardies could result in: Receiving progressive discipline Losing Off-Campus Lunch privilege Tardy Sweeps
Period Truancies Period truancies are tallied on the last Monday on the month. Any students with 12 or more period truancies may lose the chance to participate in: Off-Campus Lunch Athletic, Cheer and Performing Art Events Dances, including formals and Prom Field Trip Senior Activities, including Graduation Ceremony
Saturday School Scheduled the first Saturday after the tally. Minimum of one a month. Each Saturday School reduces the truancy total by 6. All students must have <12 truancies to be eligible for extracurricular activities.
Be Responsible Speak up when others need it Pick up your trash Follow the Dress Code
Dress Code Expectations All clothing must fit your natural size…should not be too big or too small. Shorts and dresses/skirts must not be too short and cover all posterior regions. Shirts must not be revealing.. NO See through, backless, strapless, off the shoulder, bare midriffs. Flips flops or slide-in are not allowed for safety reasons
Be Respectful Treat others well- in person and online Celebrate and welcome diversity Use school language
Education Code Expectations Be responsible and respectful of all school rules and CA Education Codes: Fighting, threatening to fight, threatening or harassing others. Bullying, Cyberbullying—using social media to harass, threaten, bully or intimidate. Excessive use of vulgar language Drug use/paraphernalia or sales
Wildcat Expectations Ready Responsible Respectful