Working Group European Statistical System – Learning and Development Framework (ess-ldf) & Human Resources Management (hrm) ESTP III (2015-2019) Item.


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Presentation transcript:

Working Group European Statistical System – Learning and Development Framework (ess-ldf) & Human Resources Management (hrm) ESTP III (2015-2019) Item 4c of the agenda Luxembourg, 7–8 May 2015

ESTP III 2015-2019 Call for tender launched end of 2014 9 Lots = 9 framework contracts (FCs) Cascade mechanism Courses organised by Eurostat in ESS and/or European Commission DGs and courses organised by EFTA FCs expected to be signed summer 2015 Starting with 2016 programme

Lot 1: Statistical Methodology (6 fields: survey design, data collection, data integration, data validation, editing ,imputation, estimation, statistical analysis and statistical disclosure control) Lot 2: Information Models and Standards for Data and processes (including quality) (4 fields: information standards and technologies for describing, exchanging and disseminating data and metadata, metadata, classifications, quality and quality frameworks) Lot 3: Modernisation of ESS Business Architecture (6 fields: ESS introduction, organisation and governance, legal framework, Enterprise Architecture (EA), EA layers, Common Statistical Production Architecture, dissemination architecture/infrastructure, skills enhancement and training) NEW fields

Lot 4: New Data Sources (2 fields: Big data analysis and sources) NEW Lot 5: Dissemination and Communication (3 fields: Publication and dissemination, relations with Media, Spatial information and maps in statistics) Lot 6: Environmental Statistics and Accounts (3 fields: environmental economic accounts, waste and water statistics)

Lot 7: Economic Statistics (2 fields: national accounts and Balance of Payments) Lot 8: Theory and Practice of Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) NEW Lot 9: Social Statistics NEW (EU household surveys, EU-Labour Force Surveys, EU statistics on Income and Living Conditions, data collection for european population and housing censuses)

Thank you for your attention Georgios Xenellis