labour rights 2018 workers’ capital conference thérèse schets San Francisco 11 September 2018 CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco
CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco
CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco (window) Cleaners Cleaners and Window Cleaners Fund Sectorwide pension fund Cleaners and industrial window cleaners € 4,84 billion 556,506 participants 153,424 active workers, 376,615 former workers 26,467 retirees,and other pensions as invalidity pension CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco
Embedding labour & human rights Starting point Investment beliefs ESG Make ESG more specific 7 specific points CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco
CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco Specific ESG points ESG Principles: Basis for investment portfolio The same or a better risk return ratio Safeguard from socially undesirable activities even when returns will be lower Are leading when making future investment choices Contribute to good and affordable retirement benefits Normative lower limit: UN Global Compact and extra attention for labour and human rights No frontrunner on ESG CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco
Embedding labour & human rights 1 Framework UN Global Compact Human & Labour Rights Environment & Anti corruption Minimum legal requirements Cluster munitions CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco
Embedding labour & human rights 2 Focus areas Labour & Human rights Controversial weapons Food and cattle related raw materials CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco
Embedding labour & human rights 3 Why of embedding automaticly involved Use sector/company information collective agreements Company policy on how they see human capital Learn from others. CWC Conference 2018 San Francisco
Dutch Developments 1 Climate deal 2 The Dutch way: “Polderen” Decision: Politics Council of Ministers Parliament 3 januari 2019
Dutch developments 2 Covenant Corporate social responsibility Social Economic Council Pension Sector Unions and Employer organisations Government NGO’s 3 januari 2019