Introduction: Credit Hours Credit hours needed for a bachelor degree in the United States are similar throughout the country. The most common degrees are the Bachelor of the Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees, and are usually focused in one discipline. Credit hours in a bachelor degree are usually split between major classes, general education requirements and elective classes.
Total Credit Hours At most major universities around the United States, the total credit hours needed for a bachelor degree range between 110 and 130. The most common number is an even 120.
Semesters Most U.S. colleges divide the school year into semesters. A semester is typically 16 to 18 weeks long. A full-time semester of 15 credit hours every fall and winter will allow a student to earn a bachelor degree in 4 years without needing additional spring or summer classes.
Majors All students seeking a bachelors degree must declare a major area of study. Most universities require from 35 to 55 credits in the area of the major of the bachelor degree. These include between 8 and 14 classes that each department makes mandatory for a degree.
General Education Credits Every school (or general area of study such as science or arts) requires a certain number of general education classes to be taken by any student within that school, no matter the major. The credit hours are usually around 50.
Elective Credits Elective credits are additional classes needed for a bachelor degree. They can sometimes be taken as extra electives within a major, or can be other classes of supplemental interest to a student, usually around 30 credits.
Summary U.S. bachelor degrees focus on one discipline Taking 15 credit hours a semester, students can earn their degree in 4 years Total credit hours for a bachelor degree range from 110 to credit hours in the area of the major 50 credit hours of general education classes 30 credit hours of elective classes
The Community College Advantage California Community Colleges are designed to provide the first two years of required college classes (mostly general education and electives) at a greatly reduced cost and with more instructional guidance than a university. For admission, international students need to be 18 and do not need to take U.S. college entrance exams.
The Coastline EBUS Advantage EBUS students, while high school: Receive intensive English training by native English- speaking professors who prepare them for U.S. college courses. Have the opportunity to enroll in college credit classes leading to a bachelors degree. Have English immersion opportunities in the U.S. for two summers and one semester while taking transferrable college courses.
The Coastline EBUS Advantage At the end of the three years of high school, EBUS students will already be: U.S. college students Prepared to complete their general education requirements at Coastline in the U.S. Without taking college entrance exams Without needing TOEFL scores In line for transfer to a U.S. University with greater potential for success