L15: 15.1 Yeast
QUESTION: What conditions must be present in order for yeast to become active?
HYPOTHESIS: I believe that in order for yeast to become active, it needs…. because…
DATA: Substance: Hypothesis: Height of foam: Maple Syrup Mouthwash Sugar Vinegar Honey Salt Bleach Ketchup Water (Control)
DATA ANALYSIS: 1. Which substance was the best food source for the yeast? 2. What 3 things must be provided in order for yeast to be activated?
3. What processes begin to happen when yeast becomes active? 4. What substances are produced when yeast undergoes fermentation?
VOCABULARY: Yeast Budding Fermentation Carbon Dioxide Alcohol
CONCLUSION: Look back @ original question. Use complete sentences. USE & HIGHLIGHT all vocabulary words.