Visjoner og arkitektur for virksomhetens Informasjonsnettverk Komponenttorget ‘99 Trondheim Trygve Reenskaug Numerica Taskon Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
The Vision “To empower the individual by providing information Where it is needed When it is needed In a form suited to task and personal preference” Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
We need objects to survive the age of distribution Object-B IN OUT-B OUT-C Methods Variables IN OUT-C Object-C Methods Variables Object-A IN Methods Variables Message triggers method causes response Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
The Connected Enterprise Content and Communication Digital Map Census Data Police Records House Drawings Aerial Photos Business processes Task / Use Case / Tool Information services Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
Different perspectives on enterprise information Business Perspective Information tasks operations Information Service Perspective Tool Perspective We see all enterprise information as a huge system of loosely coupled components. Separation of concern will be essential for mastering its complexity. We apply three perspectives on the enterprise: ¤ People use information in their business processes ¤ Information services manage this information ¤ People perform tasks using information tools Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
Area of concern Business Model The area of concern is the handling of travel expense accounts. We focus on the expense account itself, and do not model details about why the journey was made, nor how the traveler is reimbursed for his expenses. Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
Expense report process Business Model Peter (Technical author) Bill (Dispatcher) Joyce (Sales clerk) Douglas (Marketing manager) Kim (Methodologist) Elsie (Programmer) Eve (Software Manager) (Bookkeeper) Joe (Paymaster) Adam (Chief Accountant) Ruth (President) John (Cashier) Ann (Customer consultant) 4: authorizedExpenseReport 1: travelPermissionRequest 2: travelPermission 3: expenseReport 5: paymentRequest Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
Identify and understand the roles Business Model Ruth (President) Adam Authorizer: Eve Douglas (Chief Accountant) (Software Manager) (Marketing manager) Elsie Paymaster: Joe Joyce (Programmer) (Paymaster) (Sales clerk) Bill (Dispatcher) Bill Bookkeeper: Traveler: Peter (Bookkeeper) (Technical author) Ann (Customer consultant) John Joyce (Cashier) (Methodologist) Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
Behavior: Work process Travel Expense Model Role (Actor) Traveler: Authorizer: Book Keeper: Paymaster: Plan trip travel Perm. Request: Permission expense Report: author. Expense payment Data Who What When <Determine OK> Action <Order tickets> <Travel> <Write exp.rep.> <Check OK> Specify Tools Specify Information Services <Check> <Bookkeeping> <Arrange for payment> Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
Semantic view Information model Travel Permission : Travel Expense Record : Item : Pay Authorization : Pay Request : Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
Travel Authorizer User interface tool Travel Service Travel authorization request. Traveler Beth Period Mar.22-Mar.23 Planned cost USD 3,000 Purpose Komponenttorget ‘99 Planning Service Budget Service Current plans for Beth Budget and commitments Project 1 Item Budget Committed KMPT Travel 10,000 4,000 Project 3 Project 4 Week 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Authorize Reject Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
Travel Authorization Tool Model collaboration view Authorizer Tool : Authorizer : Planning Service : Travel Budget Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
The main problems We spend too much time and effort on low-level mechanics. Current offerings are NOT: Easy and intuitive to use Smooth development platforms Reliable Secure Extensible Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
How do we get from here to there? • Focus on objects Classes are implementation details • Learn technology Java + CORBA + Web + ... • Do small, but significant project Illustrating visions Most of the required technology is available -- but the abstractions will hopefully get cleaner and the middleware platforms simpler. • Plan large scale introduction What are the information services? What are the Areas of Concern? Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
The Connected Organization The Real Challenges The Connected Organization Effective Partitioning of Information Services Effective, Enjoyable and Instructive Tools Business processes Task / Use Case / Tool Information services Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
Conclusion: We can do it! “To empower the individual by providing information Where it is needed When it is needed In a form suited to task and personal preference” More info: Virksomhetens informasjonsnettverk
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