Sheree Wheeler, State Coordinator of Foster Care Education Foster Care Education: Building Bridges between Child Welfare and Education Click on the microphone below to start the narration on each page. Sheree Wheeler, State Coordinator of Foster Care Education
History and Background: National Legislation Why is this important: National Data How many kids are we talking about in Colorado Data Share Agreement Colorado Outcomes State Coordinator Framework for Success Colorado Legislation: CWEL Resources and Guidance from CDE 2
Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 Fostering Connections Act Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 Sweeping legislation that affects many areas of child welfare law and school stability! Stay in same school if in best interest of students. If moving schools is in best interests of the student, immediate and appropriate enrollment in a new school should occur. When a student's residence changes, there is often pressure to move the child to a new school. 42 U.S.C. § 675(1)(G) Signed by president: 10/07/2008 Amended: 03/23/2010 3 Source:
Why is this important? National research shows: 500,000 children or youth are in foster care through no fault of their own. About 200,000 exit or “age out” by 18. Four years after “aging out” of the system: 25% have been homeless; less then half have graduated from high school; 42% have become parents themselves; and more than 80% are unable to support themselves. 4 Source: from Discussion Guide: Helping Children Aging out of Foster Care Prepare for Independence • April 2008
How many are in Colorado? Total Children In Out of Home Average Daily Population Total Children and Youth 5,243 12,481 Family Foster Care Homes 2,326 4,737 Kinship Care/Kinship Foster Care 1,744 4,539 All Residential Programs 1,063 2,741 Other (Runaway, Transition, Independent Living) 108 464 5 Source: The CDHS DATA Book for 2013
Data Sharing A major step in this work was establishing a baseline of how students in foster care are faring. This action is occurring at the state level because students in foster care are not typically identified in district or school level datasets. 6
Colorado Graduation Facts The following statistics are provided by the Colorado Department of Education for the 2012-13 school year: The graduation rate for foster care youth is 27.5 percent. This result indicates that 72.5 percent of Colorado students in foster care did not graduate in 4-years with their class. 7 Source: (Foster Care Legislative Report)
Colorado Mobility A student is considered mobile any time he or she enters or exits a school or district in a manner that is not part of the normal educational progression. The state mobility rate for 2012-2013 was 16.2 percent. Students in foster care had a mobility rate of 42.8 percent. 8 Source: (Foster Care Legislative Report)
CDE Foster Care Education Program This Program was established in 2012 and is dedicated to ensuring that students in foster care are achieving academically. These efforts are being organized by the new State Coordinator for Foster Care Education, who will be leading this work. 9
State Coordinator This position was created in partnership with: The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), Morgridge Family Foundation, Mile High United Way (MHUW). 10
Framework for Success Laws and Legislation Dedicated Resources Coordinated Efforts and Response Improving Educational Supports 11
Colorado House Bill 10-1019 HB 08-1019, 2008 Colo. Legis. Serv. Ch. 147 Each of the 178 school district and State Charter School Institute must designate a Child Welfare Education Liaison (CWEL). They ensures proper school placement, transfer, and enrollment of foster children. The sending school transfers the school records to the receiving school within 5 days. The receiving school must enroll the student within 5 days of receiving the records. Signed by the Governor: 04/17/2008 C.R.S. 22-32-138 EDUCATION out-of-home placement students - transfer procedures - absences - exemptions Source:
CWEL’s The liaisons work with all parties to ensure a foster child remains in an educational situation that promotes stability and advancement. 13
Resources and Guidance Regular Communication Technical Assistance Regional Trainings Best Practices for Barriers 14
Webpage Screen Shots 15 Source:
16 Source: http://www. cde. state. co
17 Source: http://www. cde. state. co
18 Source: http://www. cde. state. co
Sheree Wheeler, State Coordinator Foster Care Education Phone 303-866-6007 Cell 303-501-4031 Email: