Agenda diēs Martis, a.d. vi Non. Oct. A.D. MMXVIII HW Check: list 4 derivatives / Do Now: work on WS 11 List 4 Derivatives Review Worksheet 11: Prepositions and Place Constructions Introduction to Latin Adjectives – Forms & Noun-Adjective Agreement Pensum: Worksheet 12 Study vocab. list #4 Midterm Exam will be on Tuesday, 10/9 Latin 1 Mr. Finnigan Boston Latin School
Adjectives – Basics & Forms
Adjectives – Basics Just as in English, adjectives in Latin are modifiers they describe nouns or pronouns
nom. sg. masc., nom. sg. fem., nom. sg. neut. – meaning/definition Forms of Adjectives Dictionary entries for Latin adjectives look like this: magnus, magna, magnum – large; great nom. sg. masc., nom. sg. fem., nom. sg. neut. – meaning/definition These adj. are called 2-1-2 adj. because they take the endings for 2nd masc., 1st fem., and 2nd neut. declensions
Forms of Adjectives Declining adjectives is just like declining nouns: Find the stem Add your endings To find the STEM of a Latin adj., go to the 2nd form (nom. sg. fem.) and drop the ending (–a)
Declining a 2-1-2 adjective… MASCULINE FEMININE NEUTER Singular Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl. Plural
When declined fully, it should look like this: MASCULINE FEMININE NEUTER Singular Nom. magnus magna magnum Gen. magnī magnae Dat. magnō Acc. magnam Abl. magnā Plural magnōrum magnārum magnīs magnōs magnās
Noun-Adjective Agreement
Noun-Adjective Agreement All adjectives MUST agree with the noun(s) they modify in THREE respects: Gender (masc., fem., neut.) Number (sg., pl.) Case (nom., gen., dat., acc., abl.) Endings do NOT have to look the same (think of 2PAINS nouns, e.g. agricolae bonī) BUT, sometimes they do
Exerceāmus! the wide field the great war the small daughter Find the stems for both the nouns and the adjectives below and then decline them fully: the wide field the great war the small daughter the good farmer