DOACs and Urgent Bleeding
Management of DOAC Bleeding In the Absence of Reversal Agents
Pharmacokinetics of DOACs
US Indications and Dosage
Bleeding With DOACs
Less Harm With DOACs -- Bleed Prevention
DOACs Bleeding Events Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Outcomes of Patients With Major Bleeding Dabigatran vs Warfarin
Candidates for Reversal Agents
Prior to Reversal Factors to Consider
Reversal Agents
Andexanet Alfa
Andexanet Alfa: Recombinant, Modified Version of Human FXa Produced in CHO Cells
ANNEXA-4 Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
ANNEXA-4 Results
ANNEXA-4 Interim Analysis
ANNEXA-4 Interim Analysis (cont)
Change in Anti-FXa Activity (ng/mL) in Subjects Anticoagulated with Apixaban
Change in Anti-FXa Activity (ng/mL) in Subjects Anticoagulated With Rivaroxaban
The Bleeding Has Stopped -- What's Next?
Reversal Agents Practical Considerations
Supply and Distribution
Abbreviations (cont)