Eurostat Flagship publication on cities Lupu Iuliana Eurostat
Eurostat Flagship Publications • Goals: -to address cross-cutting themes highly relevant for users and EU policy-makers; -to increase the visibility of the statistical data needed for European policies; -broad target audience; -interesting and innovative way of presentation; • 2016: - Cities in Europe - Long-term trends of the EU economy
Eurostat Flagship Publications - 2015 ▪ Being young in Europe today (April 2015) ▪ Quality of life – Facts and views (June 2015) ▪ People in the EU: who are we and how do we live? (November 2015)
Flagship publication on cities: Objectives • to promote the existing statistics on urban development and quality of urban life • to highlight the importance of city statistics (Europe 2020 targets, Urban Agenda initiatives) • to address highly relevant topics, especially the priorities of the new Commission ("A new boost for jobs, Growth and Investment, "Towards a resilient Energy Union", "Towards a new policy on migration") • to present the data and analysis in an interesting way
Concept of the publication • focus on cities, metro regions, urban-rural typologies • the publication is part of a bigger communication portfolio: Flexible dashboards: City statistics illustrated (existing) Dedicated website (existing) - Statistics explained articles (new articles) Interactive infographics (potential project)
Infographics: Quality of life
Content of the publication (indicative) • Urbanisation • Demographic trends • Migration • Economic developments • Labour market and aspects of working life • Environmental issues • Housing and living conditions (housing stocks, housing conditions, poverty and social exclusion) • Culture and tourism • Quality of life in cities (satisfaction with life in cities)
• Indicative time table Date Phase Oct-Dec 2015 Preparatory phase: table of content, structure of each chapter with indicators to be used Jan 2016 Data extraction; processing data for the creation of maps, tables and figures; data checking Feb-May 2106 Drafting, review and maps making June –July 2016 Completion phase: delivery of maps, layout of the printed publication, validation of articles in Statistics explained July 2016 Release of the publication • Other events (2016) DG REGIO report on European cities (complementarity) October: UN Habitat III Conference
Challenges • large amount of information: - different data sources (Urban Audit, national accounts, administrative data, surveys like LFS, EU- SILC) - different level of analysis: cities, metro regions, rural- urban typology, degree of urbanisation • presenting the information in an attractive and accessible way
• Ideas, suggestions. • Interesting publications • Ideas, suggestions? • Interesting publications? • Need more information?
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