T E S T I N G T O – D O L I S T S ALL TESTS MARCH STAAR 5 8 SSI 1st Admin Rdg., Math 4 7 Writing ALL Test list Online Test list Dictionaries iPads 8 MATH / EOC ALG IPADS for Desmos Graphing Calculator App (1:1) 3 wks before test Figure out PERSONNEL – which teachers will test which groups; who will be hall monitors & restroom monitors & relievers… If you’re providing snacks and/or water, plan for/purchase those items 2 wks before test Remind SPED & 504 to make sure all accommodation info is ARCHIVED in ESPED Remind LPAC to make sure all accommodation info is current in Ellevation Ask for list of EOC ARD-exempt-from-retest students and English I special provisions students from campus SPED lead and LPAC coordinator – double-check Test Hound Start organizing small accommodation groups Ask SPED/504/LPAC to gather copies of supplemental aids (prepare 1 folder with aids per test per student) Locate/gather (or plan to gather) designated support/accommodation materials (dictionaries, ESL-Bil dictionaries, math manipulatives, etc) As soon as secure materials arrive Inventory materials with Test Hound As soon as precodes arrive – don’t wait! Check precodes – use Beth’s spreadsheet; start updating/correcting answer docs and hand-gridding blanks if needed 2 wks before test (Food Services needs advance notice) Lunch plan (in cafeteria? Delivered to room?) – Coordinate with Food Services if anything non-routine is going to happen (sack lunches, room deliveries) 2 wks before test (non-discretionary placements should STOP) MAP: coordinate with Dr. Jones to see if he has space to test at MAP; designate home campus teachers who will go to MAP to administer tests. If tests will take place at home campus, work with Dr. Jones to coordinate transportation. Homebound students? JJAEP students? Coordinate with Beth & homebound teacher. Call JJAEP to arrange delivery/pick-up of test materials (campus delivers to JJAEP). Follow DCCM calendar or events Schedule/conduct teacher training per DCCM calendar; plan for extra training for online and oral administrators; plan hall monitor/restroom monitor training when you plan teacher training At least 1 wk before test Build tests in Test Hound Give SPED staff and teachers copies of Room Accommodations reports so they can proof/sign off on them Gather pencils, buckets/bags, ‘Testing – Do Not Disturb’ signs, etc. 1 wk before test Instruct teachers to remove/cover instructional materials in room and in hallways The week before test Conduct room-checks and hallway checks (and PCE – stair checks!) – remember to check “extra rooms” too (computer labs, library, other rooms not usually used for class but used for testing) When you turn in scorables Bring VOIDS! Make sure you have accurate document counts. When you box booklets Lasagna, not casserole! Keep like grades/subjects together. Used and non-used go together! Don’t separate used from non-used. When you turn in non-scorables Bring SIGNED BOXED BOOK REPORTS to Beth; sign across the tape when you seal the box; put hot pink stickers on each box (outside face, not top) ASAP after test week Send copies of KEEP 5 YRS docs to Beth (oaths, materials control forms, irregularity documentation, absent/other lists/documentation) 1 month before test Email Technology (Chris Hanson) with # of iPads you will need; coordinate date Chris can train you & teachers 1.5 – 2 wks before test Provide Chris with room rosters for iPads (Test Hound) 1 wk before test Coordinate iPad delivery/storage/charging with Chris Test week Coordinate iPad pickup with Chris MARCH EOC English I/II ALL Test list Online Test list Dictionaries BIOLOGY CALCULATORS - 4-function OR scientific OR graphing (1:5) MARCH TELPAS Online test list as applicable Verify students in TAMS Set up online reading AND holistic rating sessions 2 wks before test Locate/count calculators Make sure you have extra batteries on hand if calculators don’t charge w/plugs 1 week or a few days before test Gather calculators; make sure you know who to return them to As you prep buckets Clear calculator memory APRIL STAAR ALT 2 Inventory in Test Hound Check materials in/out during preview window and test window Enter answers into TAMS 6-8 RDG / 7 WRT / EOC ENG I-II DICTIONARIES (minimum 1:5 but more = better) 2 wks before test Locate/count dictionaries (Regular dictionaries or dictionary/thesaurus, plus Bilingual/ESL for ELLs) 1 week or a few days before test Gather dictionaries; make sure you know who to return them to MAY STAAR 5 8 SSI RETEST Rdg., Math 3 4 6 7 Reading, Math 5 8 Science 8 Social Studies ALL Test list Online Test list Dictionaries iPads ONLINE TESTS 2 months before test Determine rooms/labs/locations for testing – WIRED is BY FAR better than wireless, but if wireless is unavoidable, contact Technology (on your own or via Beth) to make sure the existing wireless access points can handle testing – if not, they need to be beefed up; if that’s impossible, you need a Plan B. 2 wks before test CHECK COMPUTERS! (Have computer teacher get kids to fire up tutorial to make sure app and sound work on all computers.) Put in tech work order for computers that don’t work. Keep Beth in the loop! For TELPAS (and TAKS), make sure TESTNAV 8 is installed on Macs. (Use Self-Service. TESTNAV 7 was installed last year – you must install 8!!) Make sure functioning headphones are available for tests with audio (text-to-speech) Coordinate with Beth to make sure students have correct T-L-C features toggled on Test week Print test tickets: SECURE materials! Friday before test week Turn all lab computers that will be used ON and LEAVE THEM ON at the end of the day, so updates will run overnight For test day Put ‘CHECK YOUR NAME’ signs and log-in direction signs at each computer Enter absent/other codes online if applicable; enter accommodation codes online for accommodations that aren’t embedded in the online test MAY EOC Biology, Algebra, USH ALL Test list Online Test list iPads for Algebra Calculators for biology MAY AP TESTS For AP SPANISH, contact Jacob Luveano in Technology - students record themselves with GarageBand on laptops and burn recording to CD.