Adrian Osmond: LifeGuide From the perspective of the other side of the team Adrian Osmond:
The 3 Components of LifeGuide Graphical Authoring Tool Build pages “like PowerPoint” Logic Scripting Language Allows tailoring. Server (& VRE) Intervention player, Data storage, Community functions
The Graphical Authoring Tool
The Graphical Authoring Tool Click, drag and drop interface Change styles – fonts, colours… Themes / templates Add text, buttons, images, videos, interactive components, graphs
The Graphical Authoring Tool Technical Details: Eclipse RCP Embedded Mozilla Firefox Jetty JavaScript QTI XML XSLT Windows & Mac
The Scripting Language Allows interventions to be adaptive, delivering tailored advice to participants Allows stratification and randomisation to be performed simply The most complicated part of intervention authoring, so…
Script Editor Features Syntax highlighting Error underlining Code auto completion
The Server Grails / Java based intervention player Uses XSLT to transform QTI XML to XHTML
The Server Web front end to allow authors to run trials of their interventions Queues and sends Emails and SMS messages Stores data to be exported later (Excel) Also packaged inside Authoring Tool, allowing on-the-fly intervention preview