Dissemination Working Group Luxembourg, 4-5/5/2006 03/01/2019 Dissemination Working Group Luxembourg, 4-5/5/2006 Survey: XML in the dissemination process Pavel Bořkovec, Unit B6
Survey questions Do you use XML in the dissemination process? 03/01/2019 Survey questions Do you use XML in the dissemination process? Organization of the dissemination process Standard DTDs/Schemas XML content creation XML management and processing Evaluation of your experience with XML
Do you use XML? 17 responses 10 cases using XML (59%) for various purposes Most of the others showed interest and some are planning to start using XML in the foreseeable future
How do you use XML? In most cases XML is used in limited domains (not as the source format) Data exchange (XML as a common format to share data with both inside and outside users) Web: metadata, RSS Source format for document production
Standard DTDs/Schemas Usually no standard DTDs/Schemas are used In several cases adapted DTDs based on DocBook were developed
XML content creation Native XML editor Database output in XML Conversion: a publication created with standard DTP software is exported into XML for web dissemination a word document is converted into XML
XML management and processing XSLT transformation Software used: Usually proprietary software developed in-house In a few cases a standard SW package is being used
Evaluation of your experience XML as a structured format allows to separate content and layout and allows to multiple presentation of the same data Lack of technical knowledge and resources
Contact person Pavel Bořkovec European Commission EUROSTAT - Unit B6; Dissemination Office A3-105, Bech building 5, rue Alphonse Weicker L-2721 Luxembourg Tel. +352 4301 32614 Fax +352 4301 32594 E-mail: pavel.borkovec@ec.europa.eu