Reliable and Un-Reliable Sources Doing Academic Research
Reliable or Un-Reliable Types of Sources Databases: All articles found on a database have been reviewed and checked for accuracy. * Pioneer Library * SIRS Discoverer * Newspaper Username – pioneer Password – friend Reliable or Un-reliable?
Reliable or Un-Reliable Types of Sources Wiki – A webpage that can be added to and changed by members of the wiki. * Wikipedia – Reliable or Un-reliable? .gov – Web page managed by a government agency. *Reliable or Un-reliable? .org – Web page managed by an organization. Often these pages have an agenda and can be biased. Check the “Who Are We” link. * Reliable or Un-reliable? .edu – published by an educational institution.
Reliable or Un-Reliable Types of Sources Blog posts – Blogs are written by individuals about topics of interest to that person. * Reliable or Un-reliable? and – These websites compile answers to questions posted on the web. They are usually not answered by experts in the field. * These websites come up most frequently when students search by asking a question.
What if two sources have different information? Look for a third source to confirm which source is accurate. ** Throw away the incorrect source.
Website Evaluation Checklist Who wrote the pages? Are they an expert or has it been reviewed by an expert? What is the purpose of the site? When was the site last updated?
Reliable vs Un-Reliable Sources Practice List the articles, the source they come from, and why it is reliable List the articles, the source they come from, and why it is un-reliable.