JOURNAL QUESTION: What do you expect or hope to have happen at your college orientation? Be specific.
GRACE God’s Grace overcomes the reality of sin In Baptism, we are washed clean of the guilt of Original Sin The tendency to sin still remains, and that is known as concupiscence
BAPTISM: Sharing in the Mission Of Jesus Redemption Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit Being Born Again Initiation into a Christian community A permanent character change
QUESTIONS ABOUT BAPTISM: If I’ve been baptized in another religion, do I have to get re-baptized if I become Catholic? No! As long as you were baptized with water and “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” What if I didn’t choose to get baptized in the first place? Then you were baptized because your parents cared for you. You are free to live up to those baptismal promises or not.
Can unbaptized people still go to heaven? Yes, and this belief is known as a: BAPTISM OF DESIRE If someone truly didn’t know about the importance of Baptism but lived a loving and truthful life, then we believe that they may achieve salvation. Can I ever baptize someone? Yes, in cases of emergency. What’s required: Water Right Intention Saying: “I baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." (C.C.C. # 1284)
What if a baby dies before it is baptized? This used to be a major concern in the Early Church. We are told in the Bible that God loves children Jesus always invited children to follow Him We have a merciful God who we believe would never turn away an innocent child from his kingdom. See Mark 10:14
EARLY BAPTISM: From the time of Jesus until the 4th century, Christianity was illegal (remember?) Preparation for Baptism was called the catechumenate A person needed a sponsor It was a 2-3 year preparation During Lent there was prayer & fasting Baptism took place at Easter Vigil
INFANT BAPTISM: Began around 200 A.D. By the year 500 A.D., after Christianity became the official religion, infant baptism became the norm Although infant baptism is not “consciously” chosen, it is a form of initiation into a faith community