Aleph Beginning Circulation


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Presentation transcript:

Aleph Beginning Circulation

Overview Section 1

Section 1 - Overview title bar menu bar patron bar item bar main tab root nodes upper pane horizontal split bar navigation pane lower pane vertical split bar operations bar

Section 1 - Overview title bar menu bar patron bar item bar

Section 1 - Overview main tab root nodes

Section 1 - Overview Loan Tab Return Tab Patron Tab Item Tab Admin Tab Search Tab

Section 1 - Overview upper pane lower pane

Section 1 - Overview Operations Bar Client/server connection Application icons Shortcut icons

Section 1 - Overview Customizing Colors Colors can be defined for the various tabs of the navigation pane. To define different colors, go to the menu and select Aleph | Options | Customize

Section 1 - Overview Customizing Colors The Main Tab Configuration tab of the Customize window allows you to select different colors for the various tabs of the navigation pane. To change the color of the tab, select the appropriate tab, and click on . You can then select the color of your choice.

Searching the GUI Section 2

Section 2 – Accessing Records You are able to access bibliographic records in the client using the search tab in the navigation pane. The search tab is available in all Aleph modules except AlephADM.

Section 2 – Accessing Records The find node enables you to retrieve records using keywords. Select your base and index using the drop-down menus, enter the keyword(s) and click .

Section 2 – Accessing Records In the results list, you have options to print or send the records, remove the search from the list, save the results to the server, download a saved set from the server or show a brief list of the records.

Section 2 – Accessing Records When you select a list of brief records is displayed in the upper pane, and the detail of the highlighted record is displayed in the lower pane.

Section 2 – Accessing Records The browse node within the Search tab enables you to scroll through an alphabetical index and retrieve the records attached to the desired entry from the list. Select the search base and index (or headings list) from the drop-down menus, enter the initial characters of your search string and click .

Section 2 – Accessing Records The results list always shows one heading just above the requested one in the heading list. Select your heading and press .

Section 2 – Accessing Records The same screen displays as when clicking show using the find option.

Section 2 – Accessing Records The brief list offers several options in working with our records.

Section 2 – Accessing Records Brief list options: - Sort: Sort records by two sort types (select from drop-down) - Save as: select records from the list and save as a new set

Section 2 – Accessing Records Brief list options (cont.): - Print/Send: print, e-mail or save selected records

Section 2 – Accessing Records Brief list options (cont.): - My records: Saves selected records to My Records tab (tab2)

Section 2 – Accessing Records The full view also offers several options in working with the records. Note: which buttons are active depends on which field is selected in the full view.

Section 2 – Accessing Records Full view options: - Locate: locate records which are similar to the current one - Show Like: show records which have the same data as in the selected field - Headings: display the browse list with the line chosen for the type of list and starting text - External: for fields pointing to an external resource (such as 856) opens the relevant resource in a browser - Link: display records which are linked to the current in a parallel, up or down relationship - Item List: with items line highlighted, will display list of attached items - Circulation: moves the record to the item node

Patrons Section 3

Section 3 – Patrons Each patron has one global record, and one or more local records linking him/her to libraries. The patron record is broken down into four parts: Global Patron record: general patron information that is relevant to the entire library system, such as name, title and IDs Local Patron records: information that is relevant to the local library only, such as circulation privileges Address records: various addresses listed for a patron Additional IDs: various IDs associated with a patron such as barcode, registration ID or EMPL ID

Section 3 – Patrons Patron’s Mailing Global Patron Address Record Patron’s Campus Address Local Patron Record in Sublibrary A Patron’s Additional IDs Local Patron Record in Sublibrary B

Section 3 – Patrons Just as each patron record has four parts, there are four steps in defining a new patron in a library: Creating a global patron record Creating a local patron record Creating patron address record(s) Adding additional IDs

Section 3 – Patrons To create a global patron you may: - Click on the New Patron icon - On the menu bar select Patrons | New Patron - Ctrl + F7

Section 3 – Patrons The global patron record form consists of two tabs.

Section 3 – Patrons Fields in tab 1 of the global patron record include: Open Date/Update Date: fields are populated by the system and indicate the date the record was created or updated respectively. Patron ID/Pincode: fields are populated by the system with the patron’s Aleph ID information. Barcode: enter the patron’s library barcode. Barcode Verification: enter the patron’s last name. It is used in conjunction with the barcode to allow patrons to logon to the OPAC and Primo. Name: enter the patron’s name in Last, First format. Salutation: if a salutation is entered, it will be used on most of the correspondence with the patron.

Section 3 – Patrons Fields in tab 1 of the global patron record (cont.): Title: select the patron’s title from the drop-down menu if desired. Date of Birth: enter the patron’s birthdate or use the pop-out calendar to select the date if desired. Gender: enter the patron’s gender if desired Place of Birth: enter the patron’s place of birth if desired ILL Unit: select the ILL library from the drop-down menu when appropriate. ILL Total Limit: enter the total number of ILL’s a patron may order in a given calendar year. ILL Active Limit: enter the number of ILL’s a patron may request at one time.

Section 3 – Patrons Fields in tab 1 of the global patron record (cont.): Title Request Limit: not used. Language: select the language from the drop-down menu Budget: not used. Profile: select a profile from the drop down that best corresponds with the patron you’re creating. Home Library: select the home library from the drop-down menu. Dispatch Library: not used. Sponsor’s ID/Primary ID/Proxy Type: used in cases of proxy’s.

Section 3 – Patrons Fields in tab 1 of the global patron record (cont.): Mail Attachment: select from the drop-down menu how patron should receive emails from the library (attachment, text body, both or HTML body) Data Export Consent: check this box is patron data is to be shared with external groups. Send all Letters to Patron: if checked, all letters to patron will be printed (including hold request letter and photo request letter) Receive SMS: indicates if patron is able to receive text messages from the library (currently not implemented)

Section 3 – Patrons Once tab 1 is completed, move on to tab 2.

Section 3 – Patrons Fields in tab 2 of the global patron record include: Block 1, 2 & 3: using the drop-down menu, enter any blocks associated with the patron. These blocks bar the patron from activity globally (in any library) but under some circumstances may be overridden. Note 1, 2 & 3/ Additional Note 1 & 2: enter any notes associated with patron. These notes will be visible by staff in other libraries that can access the patron’s global record. “Patron Loader” protected fields: if your library has patron records loaded automatically, check any fields that you don’t wish to be overwritten by the auto-process. Click to add the record.

Section 3 – Patrons Once you click update, the global record is added. You may change any information and click update again to save it. Additionally, you can send a letter to the patron, perform a check of the local patron record or update the picture.

Section 3 – Patrons The second step in creating a patron record is to create the local patron record. To do so, with the global record on the screen, select the local patron information node in the navigation pane.

Section 3 – Patrons Select a sublibrary in the upper pane; in almost all cases use the XXX50 entry. With the appropriate record highlighted, fill out the information in the lower pane.

Section 3 – Patrons For each library, there are defaults defined for each patron status. After selecting the patron status, click Get Defaults to apply those defaults based on the table setup in Tab31.

Section 3 – Patrons Within the local patron record, specify the patron status using the drop-down menu.

Section 3 – Patrons Once you do so, click .

Section 3 – Patrons When you click Get Defaults, the system will populate fields using information in tab31.

Section 3 – Patrons Additionally, defaults from tab31 populate the local privileges tab (tab 3).

Section 3 – Patrons It is important to note that when you create the local patron record, you can change any of the defaults within the record.

Section 3 – Patrons Local blocks and notes can be included in the second tab of the local patron record. When you’ve completed all the information in the record, click to save the local record.

Section 3 – Patrons After local information is added, it will appear in the upper pane. Additionally, an ALEPH local patron record is created automatically. This record is maintained in the background, and allows for patron activity in the OPAC and Primo to take place.

Section 3 – Patrons The third step to creating a patron record is to add address information for the patron. To do so, select the address information node in the navigation pane.

Section 3 – Patrons Address type 01 is auto- matically present, with limited data. To edit this address, fill in the appropriate fields in the lower pane and click .

Section 3 – Patrons To add a new address, click in the upper pane.

Section 3 – Patrons Fill out the appropriate fields in the lower pane.

Section 3 – Patrons Use the drop-down menu next to the address type field to select which type of address you are adding.

Section 3 – Patrons Use the valid from and to fields to determine which time period the address should be used for. This is handy for temporary locations such as on-campus addresses.

Section 3 – Patrons After completing the address form, click . The address appears in the upper pane.

Section 3 – Patrons The final step to creating a patron record is to add additional IDs for the patron. To do so, select the Additional IDs node in the navigation pane.

Section 3 – Patrons You’ll notice that IDs already exist for the system number and barcode created during the global patron process. To add another ID, click in the upper pane.

Section 3 – Patrons Fill out the fields as appropriate.

Section 3 – Patrons Use the drop-down menu to select the key type (ID type) you are entering. When the form is complete, click .

Section 3 – Patrons The patron record is complete. At any time, you can pull up the patron record and make changes to it by clicking on the patron registration links on the left.

Section 3 – Patrons You may search for existing patrons by one of three methods: Patron Barcode Patron ID Patron Name

Section 3 – Patrons With the patron node highlighted in the navigation pane, you can enter the patron barcode or any patron ID in the patron bar.

Section 3 – Patrons Alternatively, you can open the patron list and browse for the patron by name.

Section 3 – Patrons Once the patron list is invoked, you can sort by ID, name or barcode. You can limit to patrons in your local database only. You can also enter the first few letters of the patron’s name and press enter to go to that point in the list. Once you’ve located the patron you’re looking for, highlight it and click .