Lesson Nine: Returning to Normal OBJECTIVE: Explain the challenges and resources associated with the recovery process
Supporting Objectives List sources of recovery information List the challenges faced by a community after a flood Describe the role of community and social agencies during the recovery process 2
Sources of Public Education on Recovery FEMA American Red Cross Private Firms 3
Methods of Distributing Public Information on Recovery Packets should be readily available at the following distribution outlets: Disaster assistance and recovery centers Supermarkets Hardware stores Anywhere cleaning/restoration supplies are sold 4
Challenges after a Flood 5
Economic and Emotional Loss Homes and household items Family records, documents, photographs, and memorabilia Post-traumatic stress
Restoration of Critical Infrastructure Sewer and drainage systems Roads and bridges Water systems Fire stations Hospitals 911 centers Schools and child care centers 7
Clean Up Flood debris Personal items Hazardous waste Mud and dust Water damaged furnishings Expedient flood works Burn/disposal site regulation 8
The Role of Community and Social Agencies Sanitation and health Water Zoning, building, and business Consumer protection Mental health Public information
Sanitation and Health Officials Monitor food safety Control vector and vermin populations Address other public issues 10
Water Department Monitor public water systems Monitor private wells Perform disinfection
Zoning, Building, and Business Departments Handle building permits and inspections Resolve zoning issues Issue special permits and waivers Issue business licenses and tax permits 12
Consumer Protection Departments Increase staff if possible Handle consumer complaints Investigate fraud accusations
Mental Health Services Increase staff if possible Be ready to intervene quickly Provide training for school staff 14
Public Information Officer Handle all media requests Provide timely and accurate information Warn public of post-flood dangers 15
Mitigating Future Flood Losses Critical step May be required if Federal aid is received Could involve zoning and inspection 16
Individual Activity: Your Community
Out of the ruin comes opportunity Lesson Summary Out of the ruin comes opportunity 18
What are some good sources of recovery information? 19
In what ways could planning help reduce these problems? What are some of the major problems that can be expected during the recovery phase? In what ways could planning help reduce these problems?
What is the role of community and social agencies during the recovery process?
Workshop Summary