Self Neglect and Hoarding - impact on the person, family and environment Conference
Barrie Crook Independent Chair Bournemouth and Poole and Dorset Safeguarding Adults’ Boards
Champion Co-Ordinate Challenge Ensure and Enable
Working Groups of the Boards Executive Group Barrie Crook Policy & Procedures David Vitty Workforce Development Andy Sharp and Training Quality Assurance Helen Coombes Safeguarding Adult Review Barrie Crook
Key Priorities 2016-2017 Refresh multi-agency procedures Implement the prevention strategy Contribute to increasing public awareness Respond to emerging forms of abuse Adult sexual exploitation Modern slavery Internet and social media vulnerability
Key Priorities 2016-2017 Ensure lessons learned from reviews are embedded in practice Continue to develop Making Safeguarding Personal Line of sight – improve connections between the Board members and staff Develop guidance and training in relation to self neglect