Present Continuous or present progressive tense. “I am in the middle of doing something, please don’t disturb !” Laura Rojas AT THE MOMENT NOW RIGHT NOW IN THIS MOMENT
Study this example situation Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work. she is driving to work. This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking. The action is not finished.
1.2 The action is not necessarily happening at the time of speaking. Study this situation: Charly is talking to a friend on the phone. He says: “I’m reading a good book at the moment, it is about a boy who goes to a magic school”… Charly is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He says that he has started it, but he has not finished it yet. He is in the middle of the book.
Formulas: (+) Subject + verb to be + action verb + ING + (complement). (-) S + V to be+ NOT + AV + ING + (Comp) (?) V to be + S + aV + ING +(Comp) + ?
We’re learning the Present Continuous!
What is she doing? She / read / book She’s reading a book. She is reading the book.
What is he doing? He / listen / music He’s listening to music. He is listening to music.
What are they doing? They / study They are studying. They’re studying.
What are they doing? They / work They’re working. They are working.
What are they doing? They / learn / English They’re learning English. They are learning English.
What are we doing? We / smile We’re smiling!
What am I doing? I / type I’m typing.
What are you doing? You / behave / badly You’re behaving badly!
Form Positive (+) Subject + auxiliary (be) + verb + ing I am = I’m walking. You are = You’re reading. He/She/It is = He’s/She’s/It’s eating. We are = We’re laughing. They are = They’re shouting.
Form Negative (-) Subject + auxiliary (be)+ not + verb + ing I’m looking. You’re playing. He’s/She’s/It’s talking. We’re jumping. They’re climbing. not
Form Interrogative (?) Auxiliary (be) + subject + verb + ing + ? Am I dreaming? Are you sleeping ? Is he/she/it falling? Are we flying? Are they drinking?
Rules Some verbs drop the last -e: Some verbs double the last letter: Eg write writing take taking bake baking dance dancing but see seeing Eg sit sitting swim swimming travel travelling get getting but open opening
Rules Verbs ending in –ie, drop the –ie + –y + ing The verb ‘be’ is only used in the continuous to describe temporary behaviour. eg He’s being naughty. She’s being good. He’s being an idiot. eg lie lying die dying
Short questions & answers: cry cook play Is the man cooking? No, he isn’t. He’s playing the violin. Is the baby crying? do Yes he is. Are the boys doing their homework? He’s crying. Yes they are!
When? 1. A short activity, happening right now: We’re just looking!
When? 2. A temporary (not usual) situation: I usually drive to work but this week I’m walking.
When? 3. A change or action we’re in the middle of: I’m getting a cold!
and now we’re saying ‘good-bye’!