Handout 5: Developing materials to support a presentation PowerPoint presentation Unit 304 (B&A43): Develop a presentation Handout 5: Developing materials to support a presentation
Aims and objectives The aims of this lesson are: To provide learners with information on the different types of communication media available To explain how to analyse the different types of communication media. The objectives are to for you to: Understand the different types of communication media Be able to analyse the different types of communication media options available.
Recap – Develop a presentation Structure: Introduction Main body Conclusion Questions Evaluation. Audience needs. Organisational guidelines and policies.
Developing materials When developing any materials for a presentation the following considerations need take place: Time Cost Copyright Currency.
Handouts Consider the following if you produce a handout: Content Accuracy, spelling, font, graphics. Copyright Is there a copyright issue? Layout Allow wide margins etc for the audience to be able to write in. Costs Handouts can be expensive to reproduce, consider greyscale/ black and white.
Activities Consider the following when planning activities: Time to complete Is there sufficient time for learner to complete the activity? Costs Are the materials within budget? Ease of activity Is the activity sufficiently difficult for the learners to be stretched?
Data-specific material When producing and material that is data specific consider the following: Currency Ensure the material is as up to date as possible. Content Ease of reading? Copyright Is there a copyright issue?
Data-specific material Summary Developing materials Handouts Activities Data-specific material
Unit assessment preparation Your next lesson: Unit assessment preparation