Lubricate Shoe Support Pads use anti-seize compound on the 6 shoe support pads this will reduce/eliminate brake squeal if the pads are grooved replace backing plate, or… mig weld grooves then grind smooth
Test Emergency Brake Cables apply & release e-brake while watching the cable move in & out of its’ housing any “laziness” or binding = cable needs replacing
Service Brake Adjuster disassemble, clean threads & lubricate with anti-seize compound some imports use a wedge to spread the shoes apart pay attention to the ends of the adjusters ensure you understand how they are to be assembled brake adjusters are side specific – don’t mix up the left & right sides!
Reinstall Brake Shoes place masking tape over the friction surface use new hold down pins & springs if needed dual-servo brakes (p. 835-837) will have unequal length brake shoes short shoe (primary) on the front side of the axle long shoe (secondary) on the back side of the axle
Install Upper Return Springs non-servo (leading-trailing) brakes will have a solid anchor at the bottom and equal length brake shoes replace the springs if rusted, kinked, bent
Drum Inspection & Reconditioning conditions that require drum machining…
Drum Inspection & Reconditioning use a drum micrometer and check for oversize if drum is smooth and in otherwise good condition, simply deglaze the brake surface with emery paper machine drum if it is not oversize
Adjusting Brake Shoes brake shoes will self-adjust for wear during normal operation some self-adjust when you back-up the vehicle others self-adjust when you apply the hand brake remove masking tape from friction material use a brake shoe setting gauge for initial adjustment after replacing the brake shoes manipulate the adjuster (screw type or wedge) so that the shoes will just contact the drum
Adjusting the E-brake after the brake shoe-to-drum clearance has been adjusted, the e-brake cables can be adjusted if needed
Wheel Bearing Service if bearings were removed, repack them with fresh wheel bearing grease & replace the grease seals refer to chapter 34 in Halderman
Bleed / Flush Brake Fluid if the hydraulic lines were disconnected or the wheel cylinder was replaced/overhauled air has to be removed from the brake system as well as flushing out the old brake fluid
Road Test the Vehicle ensure the pedal is high & firm no noises or squeaks e-brake travel is correct amount no brake fluid leaks at the wheel cylinder, line or bleeder valve
In the High School take a digital picture of the brakes before disassembly place the pic on shop computer’s desktop for reference have students print a diagram from Mitchell finish one side, then start the other side ensure you have sufficient time to complete the repairs