Ways of looking at strategy Strategy lenses Ways of looking at strategy
The strategy lenses Design Experience Variety / ideas Discourse Strategy can be seen as: Design Experience Variety / ideas Discourse
Strategy as design Strategy as design Strategy can be designed in advance and a detailed plan conceived by strategists This approach is rational and objective Little attention is paid to unpredictable aspects of strategy, cultural, political The design lens is systematic, analytical and logical.
Strategy as experience Strategy is influenced by the experience of managers The organisation’s culture and the taken-for-granted assumptions and ways of doing things are key drivers of strategy Strategy is likely to build on and continue what has gone before Sometimes leading to self complacency.
Strategy as “variety” / ideas Strategy ‘emerges’ from an uncertain and changing environment Strategy comes from a variety of initiatives New ideas ‘bubble up’ from unpredictable sources and not just the top Organisations need to encourage diversity and look for initiatives at the bottom or the periphery of the organisation.
Strategy as discourse Attention is focused on the way managers engage in creative argumentation use language to frame strategic problems, make strategy proposals, debate issues and communicate strategic decisions It is a dialectical process integrating diverse views Managers bring in their cognitive resources The way they ‘talk’ about strategy matters – participants, supportive environment Creativity occurs through a dialectic negotiation and creative synthesis. But it may also bring in the personal interests and ‘politicking’ of managers.
Strategy lenses: Design, Experience, Ideas, Discourse New ideas High Innovation Ideas Design Discourse Experiences Conformity Low Innovation High Rationality Low Rationality