By Your Name Your Company Name Date Your Credit Score
A 3-digit number used by lenders to evaluate the risk associated with lending you money It is generated by a mathematical model created by Fair Isaac & Company in the 1950s. There are 3 Major Credit Bureaus, Equifax, Experian and Trans Union – You have 3 Scores Scores range from What is a Credit Score?
Above 720 = Excellent 680 =Good 620 =Fair Below 620 =Poor What is a Good Score?
HOW MUCH WOULD YOUR MIDDLE SCORE COST YOU IN A MORTGAGE LOAN TRANSACTION AT TODAYS RATES? The Cost of Bad Credit Home Financing: A 30-Year Fixed with a loan principal amount of $359,650* FICO ScoreAPR RateMonthly PaymentInterest Paid Above %$2085$390, $2113-$2515$401,115-$545,750 Below %$2,773-$2,969$638,739-$709,162 If your score improves to , you could save an additional $318,329 If your score improves to , you could save an additional $308,047 If your score improves to , you could save an additional $263,094 If your score improves to , you could save an additional $163,422 A borrower who increases his or her credit score from 620 to 720+ can potentially save $884 per month on mortgage payments, $10,608 per year, and approximately $318,329 over the life of the 30-year loan.*
Five Factors of Credit Scoring Payment History Late Pays Collections Charge-Offs Repossessions Foreclosures Tax Liens BKs Judgments Amounts Owed Credit Cards Mortgage Loans Auto Loans HELOCs Installment Loans Types of Credit Used A Mortgage Loan An Auto Loan 2-3 Major Credit Cards New Credit Soft Inquiries Hard Inquiries Length of History
CONTENT REMOVED FOR DEMO PURPOSES A recent Paying a collection Being past due Derogatory accounts do NOT A divorce decree 1. Payment History 35% – How do you pay your bills? WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW
CONTENT REMOVED FOR DEMO PURPOSES New debt Keep balances below When preparing to Dont consolidate If you go over the limit on your credit card HELOCs Do not close credit cards EXCEPT USE YOUR CREDIT CARDS or 2. Amounts Owed 30% – Managing Your Debt WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW
CONTENT REMOVED FOR DEMO PURPOSES Hold onto New credit users The best mix of credit is The type of credit card matters because The best amount of credit cards to have is 3. Length of History 15% 4. Mix of Credit 10% WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW
CONTENT REMOVED FOR DEMO PURPOSES Soft vs. Hard Inquiries 14 Day Inquiries affect the score Inquiries can cost between You are Pre-Approved means 5. Inquiries – 10% WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW
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