Mr. Morgan Website Regents Chemistry Mr. Morgan Website


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Morgan Website Regents Chemistry Mr. Morgan Website

Grading Policy Test 50% Quizzes 30% Lab 10% Homework 10%

Materials Needed for Class Notebook to takes/hold notes Folder to hold papers Writing utensil (pen/pencil) Calculator Reference Tables

Lab Requirement New York State requires 1200 minutes (30 class periods) of lab time before students can take the Regents Last Day labs will be accepted: June 17, 2019

Difficulty Chemistry is traditionally considered a Junior Level course College prep course Chemistry is often the first course students really struggle with Effort is key Review notes every night Ask questions Stay on top of work, don’t get behind Read textbook

Extra Help I’m after school once a week for students to come ask questions and get help Schedule in classroom and website I will try to make it the same day every week Still sorting out my schedule Still might be some fluctuation throughout the year

5 Key Areas of Learning How to use the Reference Tables How to break down and solve a problem Understand and use vocabulary Understand the how and why Understand the labs

Regents Scores Every Science Regents is based on an 85 point test, with a curve created by NYS, unique to each science

Science Regents Scores June 2018 Curves Living Env. Points right/85 % Chemistry Physics 90 73 86 83 85 66 78 77 65 41 48 59 57

June 2018 Curves Math Regents Scores 90 88 85 78 76 75 44 54 65 30 36 “Curved” Score Algebra I Common Core (%) Geometry Common Core 90 88 85 78 76 75 44 54 65 30 36