Write these important dates in your agenda: 03/31/2017 Fri. (03/31) – Civil Rights Museum Field Trip Intensive Reading/Writing Folder Check Mon. (04/03) – Fri. (04/07) – Spring Break If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts Opening Session 03/31/17 Intensive Reading/Writing Week #3 YOUR COMPLETED FOLDER IS DUE TODAY! Next, review your next step on your instructional sheet. Then, follow each step. Your folders and all completed steps are due by Friday!* Students who are attending the field trip on Friday may submit their completed folders on Monday, April 10, 2017.
Language Arts Opening Session 03/30/17 Intensive Reading/Writing Week #3 ATTENTION READING GROUPS: Add “Complete Venn diagram using complete sentences” to your list of instructions.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/30/17 REMINDERS The following items are DUE TODAY: Completed steps for intensive reading/writing week #3 The following items are PAST DUE: I.A.N. Check Figurative Language Storymap Figurative Language Storybook Upcoming items: Biblionasium Book Review
Language Arts – Work Session 03/30/17 Intensive Reading/Writing Week #3 First, turn in your Figurative Language Storybook to the homework bin. Next, review your next step on your instructional sheet. Then, follow each step. Your folders and all completed steps are due by Friday!* Students who are attending the field trip on Friday may submit their completed folders on Monday, April 10, 2017.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/30/17 Essential Question: How can I adequately prepare for the Georgia Milestones? Standard: ELACC6RI1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Language Arts – Closing Session 03/30/17 Intensive Reading/Writing Week #3 First, turn in your Figurative Language Storybook to the homework bin. Next, review your next step on your instructional sheet. Then, follow each step. Your folders and all completed steps are due by Friday!* Students who are attending the field trip on Friday may submit their completed folders on Monday, April 10, 2017.
Math Day – LearnZillion: Practice Set B S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T. 03/30/17 Math Day – LearnZillion: Practice Set B Due TODAY – “LearnZillion: Practice Set A” Due Tuesday – “LearnZillion: Practice Set B”
S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T. 03/31/17 STEAM – Make-up Day Complete and submit any missing work you may have. Then, read. If you finish early, resume working on your notes in your I.A.N. and/or your math work. Due Tuesday – “LearnZillion: Practice Set B”