QCD critical point search at the J-PARC energy Tomoaki Nakamura RIKEN 1/3/2019 Tomoaki Nakamura - RIKEN
QCD phase diagram with HIC 1/3/2019 Tomoaki Nakamura - RIKEN
Tomoaki Nakamura - RIKEN QCD critical point [H. Fujii, Phys. Rev. D67, 094018] [O. Scavenius et al, Phys. Rev. C64, 045202] [Y. Aoki et al., Nature 443, 675] 1/3/2019 Tomoaki Nakamura - RIKEN
Theoretical predictions on the CP [M. A. Stephanov, hep-lat/0701002] 1/3/2019 Tomoaki Nakamura - RIKEN
Experimental observables K/π ratio vs. collision energy K+ is sensitive only s quark production. K+/π+ is roughly proportional to the strangeness/entropy. strangeness/entropy ratio will be independent of collision energy near the Tc. [NA49, Phys. Rev. C77, 024903] Event-by-event fluctuations Electric charge → Fractional charge of quark Quantum number (e.g. baryon) → Hadronization Mean pT → Specific heat Multiplicity (total) → Compressibility Multiplicity (differential) → Density correlation 1/3/2019 Tomoaki Nakamura - RIKEN
Advantages at the J-PARC Intermediate beam energy will be match for the QCD critical point search. Fixed target experiment can obtain larger luminosity as compared with collider. Large acceptance is necessary to measure the event-by-event observable, especially for the longitudinal direction. [J. Cleyman et al. Phys. Rev. C73, 034905] 1/3/2019 Tomoaki Nakamura - RIKEN