Obstruction and Interference Lesson 2 Obstruction and Interference
Overview This is just an overview of interference and obstruction. There are many resources that you may use to study this. Some are included here. This is one of the most important rules from T-Ball up.
Interference Offensive interference is an act by a member of the team at bat which interferes with, obstructs, impedes, hinder or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play. If the umpire declares the batter, batter-runner or a runner out for interference, all other runners shall return to the last base that was, in the judgment of the umpire, legally touched at the time of the interference, unless otherwise provided by these rules. Does not have to be intentional Video Running Lane interference
6.06 (c) Batter’s interference An act by the batter, intentional or not that interferes with a players ability to make a play Scenarios Throw from catcher Runner coming home Batter protected in the box? Ball does not have to be thrown Search and explore this topic. Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Notice on these videos that the batters impede the catchers ability to make the play. There are several scenarios that can happen and this is just a few. Outs are called due to situation. Review rule for more info.
Obstruction OBSTRUCTION is the act of a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball, impedes the progress of any runner. A fake tag is considered obstruction. (NOTE: Obstruction shall be called on a defensive player who blocks off a base, base line or home plate from a base runner while not in possession of the ball.) Does not have to be intentional Video Video 2 Catcher Web source