CICO: Check-In Check-Out A Relationship Based Tier 2 and 3 Social Emotional Intervention
Current Interventions? What can I do to help this student to be successful?
Why CICO? Researched based intervention. Studies show a 70% effectiveness. Relationship based intervention Collects data Structured Provides accountability for students, staff, and families Fits in well with PBIS guidelines for success
What Students Should You Use CICO With? When a student has failed to respond to other interventions and general class management techniques and interventions When a student is competing little to no work When a student is not participating, being involved, or taking part in the learning process Best for students who are attention seeking
What Students Should You Use CICO with? When a student has emotional issues, like anxiety, frustration, etc When kids have attention, focus, and impulsivity issues When kids have very poor organization When a student is exhibiting behavioral problems When a student demonstrates low motivation and effort
Main Points Students have an assigned adult that they check in and out with each day. Teacher check-ins frequently with the student. Their goals are aligned with the school-wide expectations (most effective).
Main Points Cont. Data is tracked daily and is shared during SIT meetings. Goals are adjusted as the student becomes more successful. Set up a reinforcement system that works for the child. Staff training is a vital piece of the puzzle.
What Does the Check In (and Out) Look Like? About 2 minutes in the morning and the afternoon. Interaction Includes: greeting, review of goals, mini teach piece if needed Questions to Use …… What is one things that you know you will do great at today? Is there anything you need my help with? What’s something you are going to do better at today than yesterday? Tell me how Science could have been a 2 instead of a 1? What is a good choice you made today? Tie in conversations about their strengths, interests, and extra currciular activities.
Implementation Steps
Classroom Check-Ins Brief and frequent (30 seconds) Teach-piece What have they done well? If they had a struggle what could they do next time? If they have learned a strategy remind them or reteach that strategy. Keep it POSITIVE!
Example Sheets
Pass out example and talk about goals and how to set them.
Data Analyze and Adjust Goals Pull up data from my files and analyze and talk about goal adjusting
Reinforcement Things to consider: How often does the child need to be reinforced? Can the reinforcement be linked to PBIS reinforcement system? (Bucks, menu of choices, etc.) What motivates the child? (Time, tangibles, etc)
Staff Training: What do they need to know? What to communicate to the student during CICO Ways to stay positive Appropriate ways to communicate the skills that the student is lacking Data tracking (determine who is in charge). Train several people in case of an absence.
Example of Check-In Check- Out
Modifications Daily schedule Number of check-ins Who they check in with Number of goals (no more than 3) How can it look with a Kindergartner vs a 6th grader?
Let’s Practice!! Scenario: Elementary Scenario: You have a 3rd grade student who is struggling to complete work in a timely fashion. He has little to no support at home with work and tends to get frustrated easily. He is either distracted or will refuse to work. Secondary Scenario: You have a 7th grade student who is withdrawn and does not participate much in class. You also notice she also has great difficulty getting along with her peers. Create 2-3 goals for these students. Who might you pair them with. What other strategies could be helpful?
Resources and Contact Info PBIS World TXBehavior Sara Moltenbrey