EOC (Pre-IDs & Test Scores)


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Presentation transcript:

EOC (Pre-IDs & Test Scores) Florida User Group 2018

Overview of EOC Setup & Processing Setup of EOC Calculations Configuration Grading Setup Test Builder Date Passed Test Score Import EOC Calculation Pre-IDs

Student Configuration Student configuration (PS\CA\DS\CF) Turn on option to “Use End of Course (EOC) Score Bucket this option on will allow a site to link courses to End of Course (EOC) tests. EOC score bucket will display

Grading Setup Enable the Use End of Course Score Bucket (WS\OF\GR\PS\CF\GS\EC) For State of Florida, must use the Use in Student Management Utility Calculate the EOC grade outside of the gradebook and place grade in the record.

GPA Setup – EOC Calc Methods EOC Calc Methods (WS\OF\GR\PS\CF\GP ) Determine how Final EOC Grade Bucket is calculated This area is used to identify by Grade Set, the grade buckets that will be used for GPA Methods and Earned Credits for EOC Courses. * If the Grade Bucket you want to use is grayed out, go back to the Grading Setup and verify you have assigned the State Term Code to the Grading Period that has that Grade Bucket attached.

Grade Marks Grade Marks (WS\OF\GR\PS\CF\GP\GM) Each Grade Mark used for EOC will need to have the Grade Calculations Settings set up. Used to calculate EOC grade during the EOC Calc utility process Grade mark values cannot overlap another grade mark

Test Builder Create Tests in Test Builder Crosswalk Test Name to State Code Edition – pulled as Test Publication Year in Survey 5 (Student Assessment Format)

Test Sections Test Sections ADMIN Section: ADMIN sections need to have the Test Grade identified as TEST GRD or TEST GRADE (logic is looking for that type label) This reflects the students grade level when test is administered

Test Sections Test Sections SCORES Section: Identify the scores for the test areas that are being recorded. Each score field must be linked to the Test Score Type If test score layout includes specific subject content, the subject field should be linked to the Subject Content. Ex. Test is broken down by Math, Reading, Writing

EOC Details EOC Details – expand EOC Details in test Course Links Identify EOC courses linked to test Add Course Links - EOC Course Link Utility – “Curriculum By Individual”

EOC Details -Import Setup Import Setup– expand EOC Details in test Creates the framework that holds all scores and grade marks a student can receive for a test. EOC Import Code Used to link the score Xref to the grade mark EOC Import Code Setup (can be run from 000 Entity) Choosing “Xref Based on Year” is appropriate when every entity uses the same grading system If different entities use different grading systems, choose “Xref Based on Entity and Year”. If the EOC Import Code is setup by Entity and Year, the EOC Calc utility must also be run by Entity

Setup Score/Grade Xref Enter Score/Grade Xref records for each Grade Mark and Year When importing scores, the system reads this Xref setup to determine which Grademark to enter into the EOC Test Grade Bucket. The Grademark and its associated calculation value will be used in the EOC Calc utility to calculate the Final EOC Grade

EOC Details EOC Import Setup Grade Mark Update Options: Always Overwrite Only Overwrite with Higher Grade Mark Do Not Overwrite Select where the system will locate the Score

Date Passed Setup Date Passed Math and Date Passed Communications Used for Pre-IDs, Graduation Requirements and FASTER Based on a Hierarchy Grade Level Location An optional field to select a Row and Column from the test that contains the grade level for the student. The Date Passed logic will use this Grade Level from the test to verify it is within the Grade Level When Test Taken range.

Test Score Import Test Score Import (WS\AD\SB\IM\TW) Import process will place the calculated grade in the EOC Test Score bucket. Click “Run” to enter Name and Test Date Ex. FSA Algebra 1 2018 This will assist in selecting the correct test to run the EOC Calculation Utility against.

EOC Calculation Utility Use EOC Grade Calculation by EOC Import Run Utility (WS\OF\GR\PS\UT ) The EOC Grade Calculation Utility is used to generate a grade mark in the EOC Grade Bucket. After selecting which “Run” of Imported Scores you want to calculate: Expand to enter EOC Buckets to Calculate Preview Data to Process

Calculated EOC Grade Semester EOC Grade Bucket contains calculated grade student received based on both Semester Grade and EOC Test Grade. WS\ST\TB\GR\SI\GH

Export EOC PreID Data Export EOC Pre-ID Data (WS\SR\FL\OE\SE\ES) Fall 2018 FSA EOC Alg1/Geo

PreID Template Options Student Selection Use Student Selection Options to pull students to test: By Range/Processing List Range/Individual Student Processing List Only None\R – Range - Selecting this button allows you to enter in the Ranges for the students to pull. I – Include - Selecting this button allows you to select which specific Processing List you want to pull PreID data for, even if those students would not fall within the Ranges selected in the “R” button. E – Exclude - Selecting this button allows you to select which specific Processing List you do not want to pull PreID data for, even if those students would fall within the Ranges selected in the “R” button.

PreID Template Options Ranges Screen Ranges for Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Test Takes First Time Test Takers Test Retakes

PreID Template Options Pre-ID report Errors Data View Exported Files/Save Locally for Submission
