LEED – Online How to login, complete letter templates & upload documents
Go to https://leedonline.usgbc.org/Login.aspx. Enter your email address and password, then click ‘Login’.
The next screen is the ‘Project Selector’ page The next screen is the ‘Project Selector’ page. This page displays all the LEED projects that you are a Team Member of. Click ‘Enter’ at the far right of the appropriate project.
The ‘Scorecard’ page will be the next screen displayed. Please take the time to click each of the to learn more about each section on the page.
Scroll down the ‘Scorecard’ page until you see the ‘Credit Scorecard’ section. Click ‘Expand All Credit Categories’.
Credits assigned to you will be indicated by a gray star Credits assigned to you will be indicated by a gray star . Again, please take the time to click the for details concerning credit status. To access a particular credit, click the hyperlinked credit title.
The next screen displays the ‘Design Application’ page The next screen displays the ‘Design Application’ page. The credit status, template and review comments are listed here. Click ‘Download Template’ to begin.
The letter template will open in another page The letter template will open in another page. The template is interactive and can be filled out online or saved to and updated from your PC. The boxes that must fill out are bordered in red.
The letter template lists any required documents that need to be uploaded as part of USGBC’s credit review. After filling out the letter template, click ‘Save Template to LEED-Online’ at the bottom of the document.
The following page will displayed when the letter template has been successfully saved to LEED – Online. Close this window to return to the ‘Design Application’ page.
In order to upload the documents listed on the letter template, locate the ‘Required Documents’ section on the ‘Design Application’ page. Click ‘Browse’ to locate the document on your PC. Please note the allowable file types.
The ‘File Upload’ window will open so you can search your PC for the appropriate document. Once the document is located, double click it.
The selected document location will then appear in the ‘Document Name’ window. Click ‘Upload’ to begin the transfer of the document to USGBC.
To indicate that all the necessary information has been submitted, click ‘Mark As Complete’ at the bottom of the ‘Design Application’ page. The USGBC can now begin their review of this credit.
To check the status of the USGBC’s credit review, return to the ‘Design Application’ page and look at the column under ‘Possible Points’.