OUR OUR VISION OUR VISION Making a difference in the performance of SAIs Making a difference in the performance of SAIs OUR VALUES Innovation and creativity Developing competence Enhancing confidence Improving credibility OUR MISSION AFROSAI-E is, through innovation, committed to cooperate with and support its member SAIs to enhance their institutional capacity to successfully fulfil their audit mandates, thereby making a difference to the lives of citizens
HOW WE VIEW Relevant to the implementation of diverse international instruments, such as: ISSAI 12: “Value and Benefits of SAIs – making a difference to the life of citizens” ISSAI 20: “Principles of Transparency and Accountability” ISSAI 30: “Code of Ethics” SAI PMF - Indicator SAI-18: “Ethics, Management and Internal Control” INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2022 Innovative tool that allows our member SAIs to perform a risk analysis focused on integrity assess the maturity level of their internal control systems on this matter strengthen their institutional capacities and promote good governance Targets corruption prevention & leads to management recommendations to support the integrity of the organisation. Self-assessment results in a report enabling SAI to design a tailor made integrity policy while increasing the integrity awareness of employees. Value and benefits of tool goes beyond integrity matters in institutions. Also enables improvement on internal control, professional development, work environment, strategic planning, risk management, capacity-building, communications strategy, good governance etc.
About AFROSAI-E and IntoSAINT Rollout The region is made up of 26 member SAIs The AFROSAI-E Governing Board developed and adopted an Institutional Capacity Building Framework in 2006 The IntoSAINT tool is rollout as part of the region’s strategy to strengthen member SAIs integrity control systems The AFROSAI-E carries out quality assurance support visits on member SAIs tri-annually. The Secretariat produces an Annual State of the Region: Self-Assessment report based on the ICBF annual questionnaire responses received from member SAIs.
Progress and way forward CHALLENGES: FUNDING SAI LEADERSHIP COMMITMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOLLOW-UP & INSTITUTIONALISATION OF THE TOOL IntoSAINT Workshops held in 6 countries WAY FORWARD Introduce IntoSAINT to 2 SAIs per year Integrate IntoSAINT tool into member SAIs’ Strategic Planning processes Utilise it as a cultural transformation tool
Lessons Learned Discussions about reasons for assessment scores: add value to the results Strategic direction: Important to share the bigger picture of where we want SAIs to be in terms of Integrity issues SAI Action Plans: Including a change process to ensure intervention implementation Integrate INTOSAINT tool into member SAIs strategic planning processes ensure that the tool is mainstreamed Utilise it as cultural transformation tool
INTEGRITY CHANGE FRAMEWORK FOR SAIs Triggers for Integrity Assessment Integrity assessment of current reality of the SAI Desired Future of SAI GAP Analysis Contracting to change Intervention selection and design Intervention Implementation Monitoring and evaluation Lessons learnt Current mandate Vision, mission & strategic goals Organisational culture Leadership values Management Practices Organisational structure Current systems, policies and processes Staff values, knowledge and skills Values-based Leaders Culture of Integrity Change Resilient workforce Learning Organisation Balanced approached to Soft/hard controls Integrity Framework Compares what is currently there to what is required. Compare the current practices and processes to the future reality Prioritize the gaps that were identified Charters/Project Plans Mandates/sponsorships Management accountability Deliverables Objectives Roles and responsibilities Governance Implementation of Hard/Soft Controls Code of Conduct aligned to ISSAI30 Process Re-engineering Leadership development Enhanced HR policies & processes Culture Interventions/Change Management Revisit SAI core values Implementation techniques & principles Stakeholder Management Ownership/Accountability Sensitization Pilots (if necessary) Against objectives Against desired future Benefits realization Client Satisfaction Set Targets Documentation Compliance Sharing of information Feedback External influences (PESTLE) SAI Strategy/Strategic Objectives/Mandate Changes to people, policies, processes or systems Assessment and survey results Change Theory Assessment Tools INTOSAINT Leadership Values Assessment Culture Values Assessment Burke Litwin Situational Assessment INTEGRITY CHANGE FRAMEWORK FOR SAIs