Targets: Turnover: Clients New/All Profits Company Name: Insert Date: Insert Targets: Turnover: Clients New/All Profits 1 yr: £x 3 yr: £x 5 yr: £x 1 yr: x new /y total 3 yr x new /y total 5 yr: x new /y total 1 yr: £x 3 yr: £x 5 yr: £x Companies Industries: Your top 3 industries. Turnover: The turnover range you want to target Employees: number of Location: Where are they based? Their industry values: Shared values in their industry Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Value 5 Pains: What 3 frustrations and problems does your service remove? Pain 1 Pain 2 Pain 3 Gains: List the 3 main benefits your client gets from your service Gain 1 Gain 2 Gain 3 Dislike Industry: What do they dislike about dealing with your industry. How can you guarantee against this or show you are different? Not getting- What are they not getting from their current supplier that you can give them and they need and want? Decision Maker Role: What is their position in the business? Age: What is their age range? Income: Income range Family: Family situation? Where: Where do they live/ work/ hangout? DiSC style: Personality style Purpose: What is their purpose? What drives them? Change: What is the ultimate transformation they want to achieve? They value: List what they value Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Dangerous: What it is dangerous for them to not know about? Need: Outline their main needs and wants. Feel: Insert their emotional wants. What feeling do they want to get from working with you/ using your service? Keeps them awake/ Scared of- What keeps them awake till 3am or what things are they afraid of that you can remove? Your Business Mission: A mission statement is a brief description of a company's fundamental purpose. "Why does our business exist?” What gets us out of bed in the morning. Vision: Where do you want to get to? What is the dream? How does your business envision success? Core Values A value is a concept or principle that is important enough to guide your behaviour and your decision making You should have 3-5 core values. You should have a sentence or two explaining how each of them is brought to life. Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 Value 5 Your story- What is your story? Your story or your businesses’ story helps build trust and is something you should use in your talks, on your web site etc. It should follow the hero’s journey i.e. things are progressing OK (or maybe not), something goes wrong or you decide to improve your situation, you struggle and go through hell which leads you to a having realisation, making a discovery, developing a new way of doing things etc. and achieving the transformation you wanted to. Prospects will relate more to your struggle than your success- so focus on the struggle. Competitive Advantage List your competitive advantages. What sets you apart from your competitors from your clients’ point of view? Advantage 1 Advantage 2 etc. Defend Prices You are not low cost so how will you justify your higher prices. Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Messages USP: What is your unique selling proposition? Value proposition: What results will a client get from using your services? Tagline: What is it is? Top Messages: List your 3-5 key marketing messages which will appear in your marketing. Repetition is vital. Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 Message 4 Message 5 15-second Pitch Insert your 15 seconds (40-60 words) that you will use when you meet potential prospects. This is two sentences. The first gives them the benefits. The second tells them what you do. Share this with your clients and contacts. Trust Creators List your trust creation tactics. How are you going to rapidly build trust with prospective clients? There are numerous ways to inspire trust and you need to use the ones applicable to you and your business. Creator 1- how to use Creator 2- how to use Creator 3- how to use Creator 4- how to use Creator 5- how to use Top 5 Channels List your 5 main marketing channels Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Top 5 Measures List your top 5 measures: Measure 1 Measure 2 Measure 3 Measure 4 Measure 5 Core Content List the core content your plan requires, e.g. book, presentation, whitepaper, blog, video etc. List Referral Strategy People know and hang around with people like them so your ideal client will know other ideal clients. However, satisfied clients though do not become top salespeople for your business. You need to work out: What is your referral strategy? How can you inspire and help your clients to refer? Who else refers business to you and how will you maximise your referrals? Your Marketing Pillars Campaign Calendar Who When List the regular actions you need to take to generate the business you want using the channels identified (e.g. networking, e-mail etc.) Pillar 1 Who Date Pillar 2 Who Date Pillar 3 Who Date Pillar 4 Who Date Pillar 5 Who Date Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4 Action 5 Action 6 Action 7 Action 8 ©The Marketing Engineer 2018