The Catholic Reformation/ (AKA: The Counter Reformation)
The Counter Reformation Period of efforts by the Catholic Church to improve and combat the Protestant Ref. Led by Pope Paul III
Council of Trent 3 Church councils (1545-1563) Reaffirms Church doctrine 7 sacraments, Church and Scripture authoritative, Good Works + Faith, Monasticism protected, celibacy upheld, purgatory affirmed, indulgences ok Reform abuses in the church Work to end abuses surrounding indulgences, simony, absenteeism, clerical ignorance
The Index of Forbidden Books List of works banned by the Catholic Church Works that challenged church teaching (ie. Reformers, Philosophers, Scientists)
The Jesuits (Society of Jesus) 1540 Founded by Ignatius Loyola Seeks to improve church education, spread the gospel, fight protestantism Oversees Inquisitions in Rome and Spain to root out heresy
The Ursuline Order Convent dedicated to improving Catholic education for young women
Theresa of Avila Catholic nun who receives visions of Christ Creates new convent, advocates mysticism and individual piety