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The Reformation A religious movement of the 16th (1500s) century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches and led to less religious tolerance.
Problems That Threatened the Catholic Church Events that led to the Reformation The Great Schism A period of division in the Roman Catholic Church, 1378 –1417, over who was going to be the next Pope. During this period, there were two, or sometimes three, people claiming to be the next Pope. German and English dislike of Italian domination Many European merchants resented paying taxes to the Church in Rome
Problems That Threatened the Catholic Church Events that led to the Reformation (cont’d) Merchants challenged Church’s practice of usury Usury is the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest The effects of the Black Plague The epidemic experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe. The Church began to sell indulgences to the dying people of Europe
Problems That Threatened the Catholic Church Events that led to the Reformation (cont’d) Church corruption through the sale of indulgences An indulgence refers to a pardon that releases a sinner from a penalty for committing a sin Eventually abused and used to raise money The increasing power and wealth of the Roman Catholic Church Immoral behavior amongst the clergy (priests) Too much involvement in politics and war
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