Bellringer: Name the four motivation theories. Drive Reduction Theory Instinct Theory Incentive Theory Cogntive Name the four theories of emotion. 1.James-Lange Theory 2. Lazarus/Cognitive Appraisal Theory 3. Canon-Bard Theory 4. Schachter-Singer Theory
Learning Targets 1. Describe the biological and social needs of humans 2. Explain Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
4D NOTES- “Motives”
Biological and Social Needs Learn through experience Need for survival Biological and Social Needs Biological (Physiological) Social (Psychological) Food Need to excel Water Need for social bonds Oxygen Need for orderliness Sleep Need for fun and relaxation Avoidance of Pain Need to protect others
Biological Motive- Hunger Sight and smell of food Habit (You always eat lunch at 12:30) Hypothalamus Other people around us are eating Eat during an activity b/c that is what you always do (popcorn and a movie) Eat because of emotions
Hypothalamus Lateral Hypothalamus- go signal Ventromedial hypothalamus- stop signal This rat had its ventromedial hypothalamus removed so it kept eating until it reached 1,080 grams.
Social Motives Social Motives- learned from interactions with other people Achievement motive- desire to set challenging goals and to persist in trying to reach those goals Fear of Failure Ex. Quitting guitar because it is too hard; making excuses when losing a race Fear of Success- mostly women Ex. Study found that 65% of women who finished a story that started “After first term finals, Anne found finds herself in the top of her medical class” finished the story with the woman failing
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Fundamental Needs: biological drives that must be satisfied to maintain life Psychological Needs: the urge to belong and to give and receive love Self-Actualization Needs: the pursuit of knowledge and beauty whatever else is required for meeting one’s own potential
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Humanistic Psychology: All humans need to feel competent and win approval Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Security, safety, shelter
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs In order to reach a feeling of achievement our basic needs must be met Our needs at the bottom of the triangle need to be met before the ones further at the top of the triangle. If a need at the bottom isn’t being met we will fall back to the bottom and try to meet that need Back The Pack Back the Pack was introduced to the community in 2008. Packs are filled with nutritious, nonperishable food and juices and are distributed weekly during the school year to elementary and middle school students. The local community has overwhelmingly embraced this cause and has provided an enormous amount of financial help and volunteers to support the program. With continuous help from the community, we hope to continue growing the scope of Back the Pack to meet the needs of all identified children. This video deals with what levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? How does the news report characterize the program as helping children? How will this program impact the community in the short term and the long term?