Welcome to Level 6 OCS Fall 2018!
Professor Lori Rottenberg Email lrottenb@gmu.edu Education Teaching experience Before teaching International experience Hobbies Family
Introductions Your name Where you’re from How long have you studied English? What do you want to do after your English studies? What are your biggest concerns about studying in college in the U.S.? What do you want to get out of this course?
Goals of the Class Build academic listening and note-taking skills Build academic speaking and presentation skills Improve academic vocabulary and grammar Build advanced pronunciation skills
Syllabus Course Description Course Objectives Course Textbooks and Online Materials Course Requirements Grading Important Dates Online Resources Course Expectations Honor Code, Advising, Tutoring, and Disabilities
Course Requirements Daily in-class exercises Weekly listening logs Weekly online homework Quizzes Oral presentations (5 plus 1 SLD) Destination Mason Presentation 4 Final exam
Why This Level Is Crucial Many of you apply to: Pathways Programs Direct admission to GMU or other universities One of your last chances to perfect your English skills before entering academia!
Remember… You must get at least an 80% to pass this class! You are “auditioning” for a recommendation starting on Day 1!
How to Do Well in This Class Come to class, on time and ready to work. Pay attention in class, ask questions, and contribute to class discussions and small groups. Do all your homework—yourself! Prepare oral presentations in advance and spend lots of time practicing. Spend time outside of class listening to and speaking English.
If You Start to Have Trouble… Come speak to me as soon as possible! Ask if you don’t understand something! Do not wait! Do not be embarassed! Do not let undone assignments pile up! Remember: The ONLY “dumb question” is the one you DON’T ask!
Ways to Get Help Request tutoring in the LRC Ask to meet with me Participate in every extra opportunity to speak or listen to English that you can! English Corner Conversation Partners Destination Mason activities
My Model for Learning… No! Yes! I shine the flashlight to guide your way, but only YOU can walk the path.
Human Treasure Hunt
Homework Fill out “Tell Me About Yourself.” Buy 21st Century Communication, with online component. Set up your online textbook account. Start to work on first listening log.
I’m looking forward to a great semester!