Daily Fix-It Two turtle talked to hur. She askked about his family?
Two turtles talked to her. Daily Fix-It Two turtle talked to hur. Two turtles talked to her. She askked about his family? She asked about his family.
Daily Fix-It 3. They were siting in the dert. turtle took a purse
Turtle took a purse. They were sitting in the dirt. Daily Fix-It 3. They were siting in the dert. They were sitting in the dirt. turtle took a purse Turtle took a purse.
Daily Fix-It he was nammed Beaver. Turtle gav him a mint?
He was named Beaver. Turtle gave him a mint. he was nammed Beaver. Daily Fix-It he was nammed Beaver. He was named Beaver. Turtle gav him a mint? Turtle gave him a mint.
Daily Fix-It 7. His kids hade a new hom. 8. he asked if she wanted it?
He asked if she wanted it. Daily Fix-It His kids hade a new hom. His kids had a new home. 8. he asked if she wanted it? He asked if she wanted it.
Daily Fix-It They walked to the dame. 10. turtle likked it very much.
They walked to the dam. They walked to the dame. Daily Fix-It They walked to the dame. They walked to the dam. 10. turtle likked it very much. Turtle liked it very much.