Summer PreAP Algebra 2 Credit Advancement Course Mr. Desai Ms. Winkler
The Course Grading Policy –50% tests –40 % quizzes –10% homework Report Card Grades –Algebra 2A: Algebra 2B: 2 cycles = 40% each Final Exam = 20%
Grade Reporting Parents –Tests and quizzes will be returned to students –Homework is on the activity sheet –Look at students notebook for their grades and progress Progress Reports will be distributed
The Course Scope and Sequence –25 days in summer X 5 hours per day = 125 hours in classroom –90 days of school year X1.5 hours per day =135 hours in classroom STAAR EOC Algebra 2 test on July 12
Required Materials Textbook Binder with Filler Paper Pencils and Eraser Graph Paper Graphing Calculator –TI-83 Plus or TI-84 strongly recommended
Student Responsibilities Homework –Plan your activities –As you plan your activities, be aware of what is happening the next day or two Tutoring Attendance –Not miss more than 2 days to receive credit Behavior Dress Code
Parent Responsibilities Get child to school by 7:55 a.m. Pick child up by 1 p.m. (unless they attend tutorials) Follow childs progress by looking at completed homework, returned quizzes and returned tests Contact the teacher if there is a problem
The Future PreCalculus (PreAP if you get a 75+ in summer school) AP Calculus ABAP Calculus BC AP Calculus BCAP Statistics Outside Options
ACTIVATION CODE: Product Name: Algebra 2 -eEdition - TX ISBN #: