“Jeopardy” A Doll’s House Edit the topic by double-clicking on Type the topic here.
1 2 3 4 5 A Doll’s House Notes Story Questions Quotes Character Analysis Events 1 2 3 4 5 Double-click on each topic at the top to edit it. The numbers are all hyperlinked to the questions. The hyperlinks only work in the Slide Show view. Type Shift and F5 simultaneously to test your links.
Topic 1: 1 point A Doll’s House was published in what year? 1879 On each question slide, you can double-click the white text to add a question. Take special care to not press Delete before editing the text, as it will remove the animations and possibly the formatting. To insert pictures, shapes, or Clip Art, too, go to the Insert ribbon. Double-click on the black text to enter the answer. The house in the bottom left corner will allow the students to return to Slide 2, where the question board is found. Make sure to change your Topic section at the top of your slides, too. 1879
Topic 1: 2 points Who is the author of A Doll’s House? Henrik Ibsen
Topic 1: 3 points What are two characteristics of a “Well-Made Play”? Withheld Secret; Long Exposition; Ups and Downs in Dialogue; Plausible Denouement; Climax close to the end; Quick Resolution; Tight Plot; Casually related plot conflicts
Topic 1: 4 points A Doll’s House can be classified as what type of drama? Realist Drama
Topic 1: 5 points What are two characteristics of tragedy? No true definition; an imitation of a noble and complete action; fearful incidents; dramatic, not narrative format; terror and pity aroused
They are childhood friends. Topic 2: 1 point How are Nora and Mrs. Linde related? They are childhood friends.
Topic 2: 2 points How many children do Nora and Torvald have? Three
Topic 2: 3 points What sweet is Nora forbidden to eat? Macaroons
Her father’s signature Topic 2: 4 points Whose signature did Nora forge? Her father’s signature
Topic 2: 5 points What is the last thing that the audience hears? A door slamming
Topic 3: 1 point “Do you think so? Do you think they would forget their mother if she went away altogether?” Nora
Topic 3: 2 points “Nice?—because you do as your husband wishes? Well, well, you little rogue, I am sure you did not mean it in that way…” Torvald Helmer
Topic 3: 3 points “Your father died on the twenty ninth of September. But look here; your father has dated his signature the second of October. It is a discrepancy, isn’t it?” Nils Krogstad
Topic 3: 4 points “He suffers from a diseased moral character, Mrs. Helmer, but even he began talking of its being highly important that he should live.” Dr. Rank
Topic 3: 5 points “I have learned to act prudently. Life and hard, bitter necessity have taught me that.” Mrs. Linde
Topic 4: 1 point Who complains that society is being turned into a “sick house”? Dr. Rank
Topic 4: 2 points Who criticizes Mrs. Linde’s knitting hobby? Torvald Helmer
Topic 4: 3 points This character sends two letter, both of a very different nature, to the Helmer home? Nils Krogstad
Topic 4: 4 points This character is deeply in love with Nora’s personality? Dr. Rank
Topic 4: 5 points This character tries to convince Nora of the mistake she has made and tries to convince her to reveal all to Torvald. Mrs. Linde
Topic 5: 1 point Who does Nora give money to in the opening scene of the play, and why? The Porter, it is Christmas and she is being generous; she has more money to give because of Torvald’s new job at the bank.
Topic 5: 2 points What is odd about Nora’s behavior toward her children? She treats them like her doll’s; she plays with them as if she is a child herself
Topic 5: 3 points Discuss the meaning of the play’s title, A Doll’s House. Nora is Torvald’s doll; he likes to show her off, but does not like to hear her speak
A card with a black cross next to his name Topic 5: 4 points What does Dr. Rank send to the house to announce his death? . A card with a black cross next to his name
Topic 5: 5 points When Nora flirts with Dr. Rank in Act II, she shows him what? Her silk stockings
Daily Double! These “Daily Double” slides are linked to the questions. As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered. If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!
Daily Double! Template designed by Theresa M. Dyson Computer Resource Specialist, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Adjunct Professor, Tidewater Community College As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered. If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!