Introduction to Novell GroupWise® Token API Novell BrainShare 2002 Introduction to Novell GroupWise® Token API Glade Monson Software Engineer Novell, Inc. DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Vision…one Net Mission A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world
Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Subscribing to tokens Novell BrainShare 2002 Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Using the token commander Accessing the token commander Executing the token commander Subscribing to tokens Using the third-party handler Code samples DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Novell BrainShare 2002 Introduction Novell GroupWise® tokens give ability to publish or subscribe to internal token events in the GroupWise client Over 500 GroupWise tokens Each token consists of a structure that includes a token ID DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Introduction (cont.) Replaces older DDE publishing interface Novell BrainShare 2002 Introduction (cont.) Replaces older DDE publishing interface Used easily in Visual Basic (VB), Delphi, or C++ DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Subscribing to tokens Novell BrainShare 2002 Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Using the token commander Accessing the token commander Executing the token commander Subscribing to tokens Using the third-party handler Code samples DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Using the Token Commander Novell BrainShare 2002 Using the Token Commander GroupWise client needs to be running Often used together with GroupWise C3POs™ Must be used only in proper contexts Built on COM technology DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Subscribing to tokens Novell BrainShare 2002 Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Using the token commander Accessing the token commander Executing the token commander Subscribing to tokens Using the third-party handler Code samples DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Accessing the Token Commander (cont.) Novell BrainShare 2002 Accessing the Token Commander (cont.) VB Set TokCom = CreateObject(“GroupWiseCommander”) DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Accessing the Token Commander (cont.) Novell BrainShare 2002 Accessing the Token Commander (cont.) Delphi TokCom = CreateOleObject(‘GroupWiseCommander’); DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Accessing the Token Commander (cont.) Novell BrainShare 2002 Accessing the Token Commander (cont.) C++ result = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_GWCommander, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,IID_IGWCommander, (LPVOID*)&pTokCom); DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Subscribing to tokens Novell BrainShare 2002 Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Using the token commander Accessing the token commander Executing the token commander Subscribing to tokens Using the third-party handler Code samples DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Executing the Token Commander Novell BrainShare 2002 Executing the Token Commander Token commander object consists of one method = Execute WORD Execute (ANSISTRING Token; ANSISTRING RetString) DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Subscribing to tokens Novell BrainShare 2002 Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Using the token commander Accessing the token commander Executing the token commander Subscribing to tokens Using the third-party handler Code samples DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Using the Third-Party Handler Novell BrainShare 2002 Using the Third-Party Handler GroupWise Loads third party-handlers (TPHs) at startup—before C3POs Passes tokens to TPHs through HandleToken() Must be registered DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Using the Third-Party Handler (cont.) Novell BrainShare 2002 Using the Third-Party Handler (cont.) TPH allows user to Block GroupWise tokens Let a token pass to GroupWise Process token yourself, then block or let token pass to GroupWise Generate and pass new tokens Modify tokens DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Subscribing to tokens Novell BrainShare 2002 Overview Introduction Publishing tokens Using the token commander Accessing the token commander Executing the token commander Subscribing to tokens Using the third party handler Code samples DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API
Code Samples VB Delphi C++ Novell BrainShare 2002 DCB117—Introduction to Novell GroupWise Token API