Joint Africa – EU Strategy Tuning Seminars SUBJECT SPECIFIC COMPETENCES: presentation of the survey results in five subject areas Pablo Beneitone Cape Town, 15 May 2012
3 Variables to be considered: IMPORTANCE ACHIEVEMENT For both a scale of 1 to 4: 1 = none 2 = weak 3 = moderate 4 = strong RANKING
Analysis at SUBJECT AREA level in relation to the 4 GROUPS in relation to the 3 VARIABLES
Importance 3 Common Competences in Top 5: Have the Knowledge and understanding of Agricultural production, and basic sciences. Should be able to identify problems and apply knowledge to solving day to day agricultural challenges. Should be able to design, plan and implement agricultural research. 2 Common Competences in Bottom 5: Should be able to do business in any part of the world. Ability to know, advice and implement agricultural policies, and regulations.
Importance Much higher for employers than students: Ability to implement sustainable practices and technologies for the management of natural resources. Have ability for independent thinking and be able to work with minimal supervision in the area of agriculture.
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement ACADEMICS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Ability to improve quality and safety along the agricultural value chains. Ability to understand, and adapt to new and emerging technologies in Agriculture, including ICT.
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement EMPLOYERS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Should possess entrepreneurial and creative skills.
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement STUDENTS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Ability to understand, and adapt to new and emerging technologies in Agriculture, including ICT.
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement GRADUATES RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Ability to understand, and adapt to new and emerging technologies in Agriculture, including ICT.
Ranking 5 Common Competences in Top 5: Have the Knowledge and understanding of Agricultural production, and basic sciences. Should be able to identify problems and apply knowledge to solving day to day agricultural challenges. Ability to evaluate and manage agricultural projects, as well as carry out financial appraisals. Should possess entrepreneurial and creative skills. Should be able to design, plan and implement agricultural research.
Importance 2 Common Competences in Top 5: Ability to apply knowledge of the basic and applied sciences of mechanical engineering. Capacity to conceive, analyse, design and manufacture mechanical products and systems. 2 Common Competences in Bottom 5: Skills in evaluating the environmental and socio-economic impact of mechanical projects. Capacity to integrate legal, economic and financial aspects in decision-making in mechanical engineering projects.
Importance Much higher for academics than employers: Capacity to create, innovate and contribute to technological development.
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement ACADEMICS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Capacity to employ mechanical engineering skills to transform local natural resources into products or services through value addition
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement EMPLOYERS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Skills in safety and risk management in mechanical engineering systems.
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement STUDENTS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Capacity to create, innovate and contribute to technological development.
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement GRADUATES RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Capacity to employ mechanical engineering skills to transform local natural resources into products or services through value addition
Ranking 4 Common Competences in Top 5: Ability to apply knowledge of the basic and applied sciences of mechanical engineering. Ability to identify, evaluate and implement the most appropriate technologies for the context in hand. Capacity to conceive, analyse, design and manufacture mechanical products and systems. Skills in planning and executing mechanical engineering projects.
Importance 1 Common Competence in Bottom 5: Ability to identify appropriate legal frameworks
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement ACADEMICS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Ability to reconstruct, maintain, rehabilitate, renovate. Ability/skills to supervise construction
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement EMPLOYERS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Commitment to health and safety
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement STUDENTS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Ability to program (to plan the process and allocate resources)
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement GRADUATES RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Ability to supervise/manage
Importance 2 Common Competences in Top 5: Assess clinical presentations, order investigations, make differential diagnoses, and negotiate a management Take a patient’s history 2 Common Competences in Bottom 5: Creativity Ability to lead
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement ACADEMICS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Apply ethical and legal principles in medical practice
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement EMPLOYERS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement capacity for analysis and synthesis;
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement STUDENTS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Provide immediate care of medical emergencies, including First Aid and resuscitation
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement GRADUATES RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Provide immediate care of medical emergencies, including First Aid and resuscitation
Ranking 3 Common Competences in Top 5: Take a patient’s history carry out a full physical, clinical and symptomatic examination of adults (male and female) and children Assess clinical presentations, order investigations, make differential diagnoses, and negotiate a management
Importance 1 Common Competences in Top 5: Competences related to Knowledge &Understanding of : The subject(s) to be taught 2 Common Competences in Bottom 5: Competences related to Knowledge &Understanding of : The local and international social, political, economic, cultural and environmental contexts of education Develop own and learners’ entrepreneurial skills
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement ACADEMICS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Continuously upgrade their own knowledge and skills
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement EMPLOYERS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Manage time effectively
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement STUDENTS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Adapt to change
RATING – Importance vs. Achievement GRADUATES RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Continuously upgrade their own knowledge and skills
Ranking 3 Common Competences in Top 5: Competences related to Knowledge &Understanding of : The subject(s) to be taught Competences related to Knowledge &Understanding of : Pedagogical knowledge of specific subject areas Competences related to Educational Practice and Skills Ability to: Develop schemes of work and teaching plans