Chapter 13 Presentations and Meetings Business Communication Chapter 13 Presentations and Meetings Copyright 2010 South-Western Cengage Learning
Short Oral Presentations Introducing ______ _______information about speakers _______ speakers and their presentations __________ © Image100 / Jupiter Images An effective introduction prepares the audience to accept the speaker. 13.1 Oral Presentations
Planning a Presentation Determine the ________ Analyze the _______ Determine the _____available Gather ________ Determine the mode of ________ © Image Source / Jupiter Images A person who receives an award may make a short, impromptu speech. 13.1 Oral Presentations
Organizing a Presentation Introduction Gain the listeners’ ________ Tell the goal or _______ of the speech Body Give the main ______of the speech Present points in a ________order _________ 13.1 Oral Presentations
Outlining a Presentation An _______ is essential for a long speech ______ order When the audience will be _______to your ideas When delivering welcome news Indirect order When the audience will be ______ or unreceptive When _________ listeners or delivering unwelcome news 13.1 Oral Presentations
Delivery of Oral Presentations Voice quality ______symbols Visual aids ________ © Digital Vision Use nonverbal symbols, such as a smile, to put listeners at ease. 13.1 Oral Presentations
Types of Visual Aids ______-and flip charts Transparencies, computer presentations, and _____ Objects ________and whiteboards Handouts © Digital Vision / Getty Images Electronic slides can be projected onto a large screen for viewing. 13.2 Visual Aids in Presentations
Choosing Visual Aids _______available Audience needs __________ time © ELMO USA CORP A visual presenter can be used to project an image of an object. 13.2 Visual Aids in Presentations
Preparing Visual Aids Number of visual aids Size ______ Motion Color can be used to add interest to visual aids. 13.2 Visual Aids in Presentations
Presenting Visual Aids Prevent _______ ______ using visual aids © Photodisc / Getty Images Face the audience when using visual aids in a presentation. 13.2 Visual Aids in Presentations
Types of Meetings _____meetings _______sessions Conferences with clients ____________ Standing Ad hoc Task force © Photodisc / Getty Images Employees meet with clients to discuss business projects. 13.3 Effective Meetings
Meeting Documents Agendas _______ 13.3 Effective Meetings
Participation in Meetings ______to take part Arrive on time Improve _________making Make a _______impact © Comstock Images / Jupiter Images Responsible employees take an active part in meetings. 13.3 Effective Meetings
Organize Productive Meetings Define the ______ Determine the type of meeting Choose _______ Handle meeting _______ 13.3 Effective Meetings
Lead Meetings Effectively Use the ______ Encourage participation Handle ______people Be ________ End appropriately © iophoto / Shutterstock Encourage meeting participants to share their thoughts. 13.3 Effective Meetings