Fossil Types…44
Amber Ice Tar Mold and Cast Carbon Trace Fossils
ICE Alaska/Siberia Mammoths and Rhinos Preserves muscle, skin and hair Ice Man
AMBER Insects and Tiny organisms Animals get trapped in tree sap that hardens
TAR Saber toothed cats and other large animals Animals get trapped in the tar and sink Wooly Mammoth
MOLD and CAST Organism dies and falls into the sediment. Organisms decays leaving a MOLD Sediment fills the mold, creating a CAST Shells, bones and teeth
CARBON FILMS Carbon is an element found in every living thing When something dies it leaves behind a carbon print. Soft part of plants and animals
TRACE FOSSILS Preserved footprints, trails, animal holes and feces Shows how animals lived, what they ate, how they behaved
Geologic time scale