Sun Earth and Moon By Noah Mccarthy
Gravity The amount of gravity in feet on the Earth is 32.09 feet per second The amount of gravity in feet on the Sun is 27.9 feet per second The amount of gravity on the Moon in feet is 5.32 feet per second
size The diameter of the Earth is about 7,926 miles Also the diameter of the Moon is about 2,152.2 miles Last the diameter of the sun is 864,938 miles
Atmosphere The Earths atmosphere is made up of 78.9% nitrogen and 21% oxygen also Argon 0.93% The Moon has no atmosphere this causes craters The Suns atmosphere is made of The photosphere chromosphere and the coronoa
Water The Moon has very little water and that is frozen The Earth is 75% covered in water
Weathering and Erosion Weathering and erosion on the Earth happens very often Solar flares are brief enormous outbursts of power The moon has so many craters do to it not having a atmosphere
weather The average temperature of the Earth is 58 degrees Fahrenheit The temperature of the Moon is 181-293 degrees Fahrenheit And the surface temperature of the Sun is 10,000 degrees
time takes the Moon 27 days to rotate on its axis and to revolve 29 days It takes the Sun 27 days to rotate and to revolve the Sun takes 230millionyears It takes the Earth 24 hours to rotate and 365 days to revolve
Other Cycles Seasons are caused by the tilt of Earths axis Tides are caused by the Moons gravitational pull The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west
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