Ch 1.3: Graphs of functions
Domain and Range of Graphs Domain: look at the graph left to right Range: look at the graph up and down Closed Circle is included, open circle is not Domain: Look left to right From -5 (solid) to 3 (hollow) Domain: [-5, 3) Range: Look up and down From -3 (solid) to 4 (solid) Range: [-3, 4]
Increasing and Decreasing Functions Read graph left to right and pick intervals of change “Constant” is when the graph “flat-lines” for an interval These typically occur at the relative maxima and minima Find the relative max and min using the calculator! Increasing: (-∞, -1) AND (1, ∞) Decreasing: (-1, 1) Relative Max: (-1, 3) Relative Min: (1, -3)
Greatest Integer Function (Step Function) Greatest integer less than or equal to “x” Always choose the number LEFT of x, if x is a decimal Step Function Graph Graph “jumps” at each integer
Even and Odd Functions Even: symmetric to y-axis all variable exponents are even **constants are considered even** Odd: Symmetric to the origin all variable exponents are odd **You CAN be NEITHER** EVEN NEITHER ODD
Graphing Piecewise Functions Determine the “split point” Draw each individual function until you get to that point When it ends at that point, one will have a hollow dot, the other will be solid depending on the function